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  Dick Rick vs. Joe Robbins

Dictatorial Dick RIck

Rib crushing bearhug

It don't get better than this!

Mano a mano: Major muscle arm wrestling challenge

BG East's new Hulk!

Muscle Grudge Match

Big Joe is a mountain of proportioned, thick beefy muscle. ?I LOOK like a wrestler,? he boasted when signing his contract, ?unlike these skinny little guys you got around here. I'm not going to be your best wrestler?I already AM. And I want a piece of Dick Rick. I don?t care if it?s in the ring, on the mats, in a goddamned parking lot. I?ll fight that fucker anywhere.? Joe and Dick, it seemed, share a little history?having attended the same pro wrestling training school. It seems Dick Rick was almost ready to graduate when a much lighter and less muscled Joe commenced his training. The ever arrogant Dick got into the ring to show Joe what pro wrestling was all about, breaking the rookie in "the hard way".

Joe?s never forgotten that humiliation in front of his classmates and trainers, and during the rest of his training, getting even with that hated prick Dick Rick was always at the forefront of his mind. Whenever he needed an extra boost in training, all he had to do was conjure up the face of his hated rival?and he would get the needed adrenaline rush to complete that next rep or take that extra bump. He kept an 8 x 10 of Dick Rick in full gear inside his locker to remind himself of his quest. And once he graduated at the top of his class, and found out Dick had signed with BGEast, he pulled out all the stops to get signed as well. And insult was added to injury when Joe was told (by The Boss, of course) that Dick didn?t even remember him! Joe: ?I want to cripple that fuck.?

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Dick Rick vs. Joe Robbins
28 minutes

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Ring Rookies 1 Arena Galleries

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Over the knee back breaker

Joe enjoys his big bear hug

Beat this! Big Joe Robbins

Bone rattling side power slam

Digging deep: Double pec claw

Say it again! Rick racked!

Pectoral punishment: Pec pain brings Joe to his knees

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