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  Caleb Brand vs. Bobby Burns

Caleb Brand - 5'11, 175

Caleb outright strangles Bobby

A contemplative Caleb

Mano a mano: Test of strength

Slam! Caleb headed for a fall

Don't Let That Hair Get in Your Way!

Caleb looks like the Canadian version of the all-American surfer guy?from his slightly curling blonde hair to his blue eyes to his tanned, hunky body. But anyone who has ever stepped into the ring with this tough stud knows that there?s more to Caleb than what appears on the surface. Caleb is highly trained, determined, and never allows his emotions to overcome the task at hand?winning the match. Even when he is on the receiving end, you can see in his eyes that his mind is working, figuring out a way to get back in control and log another win in the record book. After his impressive debut match, he went down to defeat at the hands of big Mac Matthias?and that loss made Caleb more determined than ever to take out his next opponent in a big way, no matter what it takes! He went back to the gym, worked even harder than before, and raised the level of his training sessions with an intensity that bordered on obsession. Caleb is back and he is ready!

Bobby Burns is a cute long-haired rookie whose body shows the effects of painstaking hours in the gym. He?s studied Caleb?s matches in preparation, working on counters for all of Caleb?s signature moves. Confident in his ability, he arrives first at the ring and begins his warm up. Cool and collected, Caleb shows up and checks out his opponent. ?You ready to do this?? he asks calmly from the ring apron. ?I?m ready to kick your ass,? Bobby shoots back. ?Let?s do this!? Some serious bravado there from the rookie. It's it a ploy or will he back it up with action? The answer is, hell yeah he can back it up with action. And what action!!! Non-stop, wicked, wild and wonderful!

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Caleb Brand vs. Bobby Burns
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Bobby Burns' boston crab

Bobby works Caleb's leg

Bobby Burns - 6', 188

Caleb's punch snaps Bobby's head

Caleb cornered and creamed

Bobby bound on the ropes

Caleb yanks Bobby's long hair

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