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  Tony Vencini vs. Tarzan Tyler Reese

Tony Vencini, 5'10 185

Tyler's back-breaking boston

Tony goes for a neck-crushing side sleeper

Tony stretches and chokes Tyler

Bow & arrow head scissors

Young Guns

Tony and Tyler were in the same freshmen class at BGEast U. Young and eager, with handsome faces and muscular physiques, both had wrestled in high school as well as played other sports. There's always a natural sense of rivalry between wrestlers and The Boss certainly encourages it. And yet he waited before matching these two, letting their BGEast careers develop. Their wrestling styles are rather disparate. Tony is at home on the mats and Tyler is a king of the ring. Tyler dazzled fans during his long-hair phase as 'Tarzan'. Tony's skillful craft has made him a mat-man favorite. And both have made successful forays into the other's preferred sphere. Tony totally kicked butt in his ring match with Kevin Lee. Tarzan Tyler wowed fans in his Wrestleshack and Gazebo matches. For this match they flipped a coin to determine the venue and Tony won the toss. Tyler's testy response? "I'll kick your ass wherever we fight!"

Oh yes, Tyler is way mouthier than Tony, with that touch of arrogance and surfeit of confidence The Boss so likes to see in his young wrestlers. Tony is more of a 'get the job done' wrestler: calm and level-headed, he never lets his foes get under his skin. He doesn't get frustrated and somehow, no matter how badly the match might be going against him, he always maintains his focus. And as they developed as wrestlers under the watchful eyes of The Leopard, he decided to see if Tyler's mouthiness could rock the calm that is Tony's almost zen-like methodology. Would Tony manage to keep his cool, or would Tyler be able to get under his skin? Or would Tony's calm frustrate and ignite Tyler's hot emotions?

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Tony Vencini vs. Tarzan Tyler Reese
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Tyler's double arm bar camel

Tony folded an pressed

Tyler Reese 5'8, 180

Tyler squeezes a body scissors

Tony trapped & bridged in Tyler's pin

Going down deep with a gut punch

Tyler goes for a leg split submission

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