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  Kieran Dunne vs. Braden Charron

Kieran Dunne - 5'7, 180

Braden's thick chest stretched

Big bulbous bubblebutt bearhug

Boot trampling bow & arrow

Braden takes a moment to admire his magnificent self while Kieran's trapped, suffering in the ropes

Mighty Muscle, or, Strictly Speaking....

What are the specifications for "hunk"? It is, of course, a widely used term for a sexually attractive man. Some of us think it refers to even more specific traits - namely muscle, and lots of it. Our skin crawls when rail-thin heroin-chic male models are referred to as "hunks." "Twinks," perhaps, or "chicken," but no offense to sexually attractive men of the cute, svelte, or vampire variety, of which there are many, we just can't call them "hunks" and keep a straight face. By analogy to the word's standard use, where "hunk" means a piece of meat too thick and broad to be merely a "chunk," a hunk of man must be not just alluring but also sound, substantial and meaty, and very meaty.

Here at BGE, our hunks come, like fast food burgers, in single, double, and triple meat sizes. The minute we lay eyes on Braden getting pumped on the weight machine, we can see that the guy is "triple-stacked." This dude is prime cut beef. He may have been just a "double" back when he auspiciously debuted on The Contract 8 against Brad Rochelle, but now it looks like Charron has easily added an extra slab of beefcake. His buns have been called a "work of art." Now the words "monumental" and "national treasure" spring to mind. The man's glutes are wrecking balls now, with no apologies for the pun.

On the other side of the gym, we find Kieran, looking thick and magnificent in shiny yellow briefs. With a neck almost as wide and firm as his head and with shoulders that slope up to the base of his skull like Devils Tower in Wyoming, the man looks guillotine-proof, and we mean the eighteenth-century execution device, not just the move you learned back in high-school wrestling. Dunne started out as muscle jobber bait for guys like Joshua Goodman and Joe Mazetti and is noted for his cockiness, if not for his win-loss stats. But since Charron also comes with an iffy, less than perfect record too, could this mean that these two hunks are an even match? Sure looks that way!

Which brings us to the word "bash." Bash is a word both for a party and a strongly one-sided fight between basher and bashee. Strictly speaking, then, we expect a "hunkbash" to show us a beefy stud getting his dazzling butt kicked ... and a good time, besides - a good time, if not "had by all," then at least by us fans and the dude kicking the stud's ass. "You ready for your beating?" Braden asks - the sort of question that usually spells doom in these parts. Sure, Braden has a height advantage, but he's talking to a guy with a good bit more experience than he. What's he thinking? Dunne smirks and shakes his head. "What you talking about?" he drawls, like a man who's pretty sure of himself. "You're not going to be a problem," he continues, looking over his round smooth muscle - and so, like Braden before, making a boast that sounds curiously like famous last words.

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Kieran Dunne vs. Braden Charron
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Unique over the knee backbreaker: Braden bridges up under Kieran to increase the torque

Flying elbow drop onto Kieran's back

Braden Charron - 5'8, 200

Truly torturous torture rack

Braden about to slam Kieran

Kieran's butt-humping fullnelson

Kieran locked across Braden's thick powerful shoulders: A power torture rack with arrogant squats!

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