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  Tony Vencini vs. Rod Henson

Tony Vencini - 5'10, 185

Rod dislocates Tony's shoulder?!

Thick muscle bod gets nelsoned HARD

Control: Scissors, arm & leg lock

A jubilant Rod orders Tony to SUBMIT! Legs yanked apart in a painful banana split pin

Give Me Some Men Who Are Stout Hearted Men: Twink Free Zone

Tony Vencini has the unique distinction of having appeared in all five (so far) of the Sunshine Shooters series. There are reasons for this. He's damn good looking for one thing, though not in a male model or pretty boy sort of way. Rather, he possesses the rugged good looks of a fighting man, open faced, heavy browed, square jawed, with a five o'clock shadow that seems to know it's always five o'clock somewhere in the world. Tony also knows his way around a wrestling mat, with a strong background in amateur action (and a tattoo to commemorate it) as well as a taste for submission grappling. To be sure he doesn't have an impeccable win record at BG East, but then few wrestlers do.

Facing him today is Rod Henson, whose previous appearance in the Sunshine Shooters series was in the first release, against another rookie. But he was "rookie" in name only because even back then Rod was obviously far from inexperienced. He brought to his debut an extensive knowledge of submission holds and a keen instinct for quick strategy making. Like Tony, he's built thick for grappling, with broad shoulders and powerful legs of a former dancer, with which he crushes opponents with vise-like scissor holds. Far more talkative than his taciturn opponent, Rod keeps the repartee light. Rather than insult his man, Rod prefers to humiliate him by announcing, almost unerringly, how he will escape the man's hold or why he's absolutely certain his next move is going to succeed.

Both wrestlers are strong, handsome MEN. Both are skilled, no-nonsense, mat-savvy wrestlers who have no need for razzmatazz to spike up their holds. They're not here to just pose and pout prettily and show off their perfect abs and perfect coiffs. No. They're here to fight and win and impose their will on the other guy using technical holds like the crucifix, the guillotine, various spladles, inescapable pins, shoulder-wrenching neck-cranks and unexpected submission holds. Their builds are distinctly un-boy-like, but rather burly hard and bristling with grown-man hair. They're here to grunt and groan and sweat buckets as they pound their bones together in their sexy packed tight boxer briefs.

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Shooters 5


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Tony Vencini vs. Rod Henson
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Rod's muscle flexes in an armbar

Tony stretches Rod out in a guillotine abdominal stretch variation - with a handful of throat!

Rod Henson - 5'8, 170

Tony's standing cross ankle crab

Crucifix: Stacked up for a pin

Spladle! Rod about to be SPREAD!

Stick him! Tony's double bar arm pin & shoulder popping pin and potential neck crank submission

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