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  Cameron Matthews vs. Christian Taylor

Christian Taylor- 6'2", 175 lbs

Christian is pleased with himself as he traps Cameron in a seated hammerlock

The pretty boys grapple until Cameron is rolled and folded up tight

Cameron wipes sweat from his brow while punishing his opponent with a heavy legnelson

With 2 of his best assets on show, Cameron is controlled in a humiliating nelson pin

Good Clean Fun?

It will come as a shock to some that Cameron Matthews, with over two dozen BG East matches to his credit, including two Wrestler Spotlights devoted entirely to him, has not once stepped foot in the Wrestleshack. Until now, that is. Quick to rectify the situation, The Boss signed him to this match, taking on Christian Taylor, who is lately anxious to shed his twink image by taking on a pro of Cameron's experience and reputation. Cameron thinks of his first shed match as a 'free vacation' grapple, given his opinion of his opponent.

We first see Cameron and Christian ambling up a woodsy path towards the shack, shirtless in worn-out blue jeans, trading goodnatured "buddy shoves" along the way, then shedding their flip-flops at the door. (Reread that sentence, if you like: There rests, right under the image's idyllic Mayberry quaintness, a bubbling mass of erotic heat, threatening to erupt.)

"Do I really have to stretch to kick your ass?" Cameron jokes as he steps inside. Christian smiles at the Champ's cockiness, and the match begins without prologue. Indeed, it would be hard to find two more wholesome-looking faces on the BGE roster than Christian and Cameron. There's an aw-shucks quality to the way they tussle, tying their gangling arms together and tumbling to the mat.

But Christian is quick to take advantage, grabbing and twisting his opponent's bare foot at the ankle till Cameron squawks, "You bastard!" and laughs, still believing he and Christian are here for some innocent horseplay. But despite his angelic appearance, Christian likes to play rough, hard and aggressive rough. He means to raise the temperature of this fight as quickly and as high as possible. Cameron may not know it yet, but he's playing for keeps!

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Cameron Matthews vs. Christian Taylor
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Still tangled in denim, Christian controls Cam's leg and digs a knee in his back

The wily vet uses Christian's long, lanky frame to advantage, twisting him torturously

Cameron Matthews- 5'11", 160 lbs

Christian scissors Cameron's leg and arches off the mat

The blue-jeaned boys-next-door snag each other in headscissor variations

Cameron goes after the prettyboy's face in his attempt to escape a bearhug

Tall, dark, and handsome Christian's face twists in pain as Cam's bicep tightens a sleeper hold

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