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  Archer vs. Leo Tomasi

Leo Tomasi 5'8", 140 lbs.

The two wrestlers force each other into a stalemate and try to outlast the other

Tomasi arches his back to ease the ever-increasing pressure of the bearhug

Archer works his lean opponent's arms in a seated surfboard

The lean hairy stud wrapped up in golden muscle

Something to Prove: Two Rookies on their Second Matches!

In keeping with the theme of rookies looking for one more chance to prove themselves, this match is a slam dunk. For both wrestlers this is only their second time in at BG East, and both of these aspiring newcomers lost in their first - and thus far only - matches. Archer showcased some impressive skills, strength, endurance and his killer physique when he squared off with Jakeno Enzi on Undagear 22, but in the end the gym aficionado just couldn't quite overcome the bigger MMA toughguy and was left KO'ed on the mat.

Leo Tomasi's debut, on the other hand, was more or less impressive, depending on how you look at it. Despite his experience and conditioned physique, Leo barely lifted a finger against his opponent the entire match. This makes a lot more sense, however, when you recall it was none other than BG East's resident Dr. Jekyll-turned-Mr. Hyde, Austin Cooper, who initiated Leo into this world of BG East wrestling in a scorching trial-by-fire. What was impressive about that Jobberpaloozer 13 match is that Tomasi even managed to walk away at all! Nearly decapitated by a clothesline in the opening seconds, he was fading in and out of consciousness and literally bleeding onto the mat as nasty "Dr. Hyde" Cooper experimented with the limits of human anatomy. But like Archer, Leo has a lot of heart and he's back to show what he can do when matched up against someone a little less experience. Someone he can fight fair and square on the mats.

True to his athletic background, Archer is ready and waiting, pumped in the Florida mat room, for Leo, stretching those practiced muscles in preparation for what he's sure will be an easy win this time. When Leo makes his entrance, Archer doesn't even pretend to be impressed. "Seriously, this is it?" he looks the lean, lithe Leo up and down. "This is enough," is all Leo offers in response to the bigger man's posturing.

He may have to rethink that statement though, as these two men begin to circle Archer dives in fast and goes for a big bear hug. As he cinches in his powerful arms and Leo screams, his smiling opponent he hefts the helpless stud high off the mat. Will this be another complete beat-down of the smaller newcomer?

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Archer vs. Leo Tomasi
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Archer looks to be enjoying the screams of his lean foe in the neck-cranking camel clutch

Tomasi in trouble, trailing across broad shoulders in a torturous rack

Archer 5'9", 160 lbs.

Archer's big arms clamp tightly around his smaller opponent with a bearhug

Kneeling and trying to stave off the inevitable, Tomasi is maneuvered into a camel clutch

Archer viciously wrenches Leo's neck forward, dropping him to his knees in a full-nelson

The victorious Archer stands tall, gazing down at his broken opponent

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