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  Goldenglutes vs. The Assassin

GoldenGlutes: 5'7, 160 lbs

The Assassin carries the golden boy up and over for a ring-shaking powerslam

GoldenGlutes neutralizes The Assassin's size advantage with a torturous abstretch

A big double bi flex from the Assassin as the smaller stud is choked underfoot

A double bicep pose from a lounging Assassin as 'Glutes kneels, suffering in a headscissors

GoldenGlutes rises up on his toes in a desperate attempt to escape Assassin's ball claw

Unmasking the Goldenboy

Assassin. The word comes from the Arabic word for hashish, because the first assassins were hash addicts who killed for their master, who controlled their hash supply. It's a word that strikes terror and fear in the heart, for the assassins were the original terrorists. So any masked wrestler who takes on the name Assassin does not do so lightly. Assassin has left a reign of destruction behind in his appearances ...

Destruction is in his very name, so one has to admire Goldenglutes for agreeing to face an assassin in the ring. It is the golden one who arrives first, stretching and warming up. There's something familiar about him, but the purpose of the mask is to hide identity, to fool or distract the viewer out of this half-recognition. Maybe it's those glues: now they are as golden as if they were touched by Midas.

As he waits for the appearance of the Assassin, suddenly the lights go out. Nothing can be seen, but something can be heard. Blows, stomping, grunts -- and the lights come back on to show the ASSASSIN in the ring, choking Goldenglutes with his black cape, delight in his surprise assault clear in spite of the black mask hiding his face. It's the curl of the lip, the satisfied slant to the eyes -- he is enjoying himself, and he is going to enjoy himself all the more!

After the Assassin tosses aside the cape he no longer needs, Goldenglutes gasps in no position to defend himself as he is caught, trapped in a tight sleeper hold, slowly slipping down to the mat as the hold cuts off the flow of blood to his head, as the corners of his vision go gray, and the ringing in his ears grows louder and still louder. His consciousness is fading away, and this match is apparently over before it's even started...perhaps the fastest win in BGEast history.

But the Assassin has every intention of living up to his name. He touches his unconscious foe admiringly, tracing his fingers down the neck to the chest to the abdomen as Goldenglutes sleeps away, perhaps dreaming of easier opponents and his own hands raised in victory. A vicious stomp to his stomach brings him out of the restful reverie and back into the horrifying reality of fighting someone whose only thought isn't victory, but humiliation and devastation.

Fully awake now and desperate, Goldenglutes grabs the Assassin's balls, drags him to his feet by the mask, and twists him into an abdominal stretch, giving him the opening to punch, elbow and claw the abs and pecs of the brutal heel.

However, the Assassin also doesn't mind suffering - it simply inspires him to new depths of punishment. A hip toss breaks the hold to send the golden one flying - and the Assassin targets the abs he's already weakened. The ring echoes with the Golden One's cries of agony and frustration! A vicious full nelson brings Glutes back to his feet, as he struggles desperately to escape. To no avail. Slammed into a corner, taking hit after hit after hit, Glutes body begins to sag, his arms draped as the top ropes barely keep him from face-first collapse.

Dragged back out to the center and pinned, Goldenglutes manages to kick out -- but now the Assassin goes for his mask. Unmasking is the ultimate humiliation for any masked wrestler, and this assault on his manhood energizes him somehow, pumps his body full of adrenaline. Already knocked out once, he's not going to lose his damned mask!

The Assassin, not expecting or anticipating this sudden assault, is now trapped in a body scissors as the Goldenglutes constrict and pulse, cutting off his wind as Goldenglutes now goes for HIS mask while his legs try to break the Assassin in two! Back and forth the masked hunks battle, each on top to damage and destroy the other in turn. The only thing certain now about this match's ending is someone is losing his mask... maybe his trunks... And certainly his dignity.

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Mayhem 15


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Goldenglutes vs. The Assassin
26 minutes

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Masked Mayhem 15 Arena Galleries

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A bearhug, headscissors combination has GoldenGlutes nearing the end of his debut loss

The Assassin works a humping full nelson on GoldenGlutes over the ring ropes

A beautiful arch in from the bubble-butted GoldenGlutes as he fades in the crushing headscissors

A bearhugged GG does his best to fight back against the bigger Assassin in a 69 headscissors

The Assassin works a tight rear naked choke on the hairy-chested muscle boy

Even though the goal is unmasking, GG finds himself prostrated and stripped of his gear

The Assassin: 6'4", 200

GG knows the biggest prize (and humiliation) in masked wrestling is to take your foe's mask

The Golden One's bronzed body gets bent and stretched over The Assassin's knee in a dragon sleeper

The two masked studs drop to their knees as Assassin puts GG to rest with a kiss of death sleeper

The Assassin stares his foe in the eyes with a grinding knee-to-spine, hand over mouth smother

Golden Glutes award-winning assets are blistered red with a humbling spank to his muscled globes

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