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  Ash DeLeon vs. Buck 'Wildcard' Carter

Ash Deleon: 5'8, 160 lbs

Ash puts his head into it, bending Buck's body to see how far until it breaks with a knee puller

Ash uses the ropes to leverage extra pressure on a headscissored, kneeling Buck

With his gear wedgied up his ass, Ash grovels and whimpers at the feat of the monster heel

Buck can only suffer, cornered and turnbuckled with a grinding heel to his big bull balls

An injured Buck stumbles around the ring as Ash rides him down with a rear naked choke

Who's Your Daddy!?

Buck Carter is a muscle daddy, a stocky little fireplug of thick muscle and power, flexing and showing off his strength and impressive musculature, barely contained in his tight gold singlet. Ash DeLeon watches coolly from a corner, in his own variation of a singlet. Ash has been training hard, learning more ring and fighting skills, and putting hours into the gym and it shows. He no longer looks like a young boy but now he's a young man, with a knowing glint in his eye as he watches the daddy he's about to face warm up. With his growing experience at BG East, a budding sadism has bloomed into full fruit in Ash - now he's ready to take a bite.

Age and experience versus youth and beauty... Ash is determined to show his heel-trainers that he's up to fighting someone older, stronger and more experienced - not only up to holding his own but taking the Daddy down. It's the age old battle, coach versus student, daddy versus son, master versus pupil. And is often the case, age scoffs at youth, doesn't take it seriously. Buck grabs Ash, slams him to the mat, and then puts a boot on the youngster's stomach, pinning him down. He growls out a deep bearish laugh - having proved his point, that Ash isn't up to a match with him. Foolish, foolish older man. Ash has been training with the best heels, learning the tricks to make him a master in the ring, and that first lesson has been drilled into his head - when there's nothing else you can do, go for the balls! So he does, much to Buck's surprise, and the agony from the vicious hand clamping on his privates lances up into his intestines, his stomach, and he collapses down. Score one for youth.

But Buck's not so easily defeated and he isn't going to just lie down and let this youth humiliate him in the Arena - how could he ever sign another match if he lets this - this PUNK - best him? Ash gets in some great punches to the pecs and abs, even gets Buck's throat across a ring rope so he can choke him - but Buck is too strong to be held down for long. A standing head scissor, with Buck's throat on the middle rope should do the trick, right? But Buck's legs are powerful - years of squats - and he manages to get up, with Ash's legs still straddling his head, and slam him down to the center of the ring. Buck's balls are aching, though, he can't think clearly with that pain lancing up into his core - and Ash has been training long and hard and is ready for this, ready for this old man to be taken down more than a few pegs, down to his knees. Buck is still groggy as Ash comes back after him, slamming him into the ring corner, pounding away at his pecs, putting a foot into his balls and flipping him over into the center of the ring. But Buck is ready for him when he comes after him - and Buck body slams the young man down, knocking his air out, and giving him a brutal atomic wedgie. It's rough, it's brutal, and it's nasty, but Ash isn't done - not as long as his hand can get a hold of Buck's balls and can squeeze them! Again he slams Buck into the corner, peels down his singlet strap to expose his left pec and its meatiness, just ready for some nasty punches. And as the pec turns redder and redder, Ash's eyes gleaming with pleasure at the pain he is producing, he slips Buck's other strap down and goes to work on the older man's abs. Buck's skin turns redder, as does his face.

He's about had enough of this - this KID, and another ball smack sends Buck to the back. Ash bares his own torso, peeling down the top of his sweaty singlet and comes in for the kill - but he's enjoyed the moment too much, and Buck is ready for him. Ready to teach the boy a lesson. A lesson he won't soon forget...

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Ash DeLeon vs. Buck 'Wildcard' Carter
23 minutes

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Ash continues to work at dislocating Buck's knee as he adds a ball-claw into the mix

Buck remains blatantly defiant as the smaller heel corners and clobbers the shit out of his big body

Insult to injury, Buck suffers a relentless, trashtalking assault with a knee to his back by Deleon

Big, bad Buck has had enough with a vicious ball-clawing over the knee backbreaker on Ash

Ash digs his knuckles deep in Buck's built gut, driving all the wind out of the big man's sails

Ash's smaller lean body is brutally bent around Buck's massive knee in a backbreaker

Buck 'Wildcard' Carter: 5'10, 240 lbs

Buck manhandles Ash like a ragdoll as he brings him down ribs first on his extended knee

Buck stands tall and victorious, hulking out over his tiny, trampled, scrappy foe

In a healthy mix of sadomasochism, Ash bulges beautifully in an over the knee backbreaker

Ash writhes in agony, trampled under the crushing weight of a flexing, victorious Buck

Ash shows off a bicep as he sets out to prove to the BG world that he is a heel to be reckoned with

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