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  Freddy Campbell vs. Mason Brooks*

Freddy Campbell: 5'11, 185 lbs

Rubbing his hands in delighted anticipation, a smirking Mason Brooks is eager to get at the newbie

Campbell can't quite catch a break as he's yanked up in a punishing, rib-cracking bearhug

Face wedged up into a sweaty pit, Freddy's package gets clutched by a man that's not his boyfriend

Freddy finds himself fighting between giving into lust and earning respect in a smothering schoolboy

Stripped down to nothing but a layer of sweat, Freddy gets rolled up in a commanding pin

My Boyfriend's Back

"Oh HEY! you made it!" Freddy Campbell exclaims. A smooth, buff Mason Brooks glances up from his cell, drily replying with the linguistic equivalent of a shrug: "Mmm, I made it." Mason's eyes scan the chirrupy newcomer from head to toe. He asks Freddy what kinds of moves and holds he's interested in learning today. "You're the expert," Freddy replies much too loudly, "so let's see what's going on." His only concern is that Mason understands, aside from the quiet and secluded setting of the Wrestleshack, this is "only wrestling practice." Right? "Yes," Mason replies, eyes squinting in annoyance, "it's 'just practice.' What else would it be?"

The two lock up collar and elbow, keeping their heads low to avoid a low-hanging beam. Mason quickly gets a first takedown, his legs clamping onto Campbell's neck, his hand clutching high up between Freddy's thighs. Freddy makes gagging noises. Mason asks if he wants to submit already. Flustered Freddy again reminds Mason that this is supposed to be "just practice." He has a boyfriend, he anxiously explains. Brooks doesn't get what's bothering the newbie. He says it's natural in wrestling to put his hand where he put it. "I think your boyfriend has nothing to worry about," says Mason, the irritation in his tone barely restrained.

The two lock up. Mason's on top, clamping down hard on Freddy's head. "I hope you enjoy 'just wrestling,'" he says sarcastically. He straddles the rookie's waist and teasingly slaps him across the face, then pins the guy's wrists on either side of his head. "Sorry," he says when his crotch presses against Freddy's face. He doesn't back off, though. He leans in, smothering his opponent with his front of his sweaty trunks. Aloud he wonders what Freddy's boyfriend might think about Mason's dick pressing up against Freddy's mouth. Freddy's face turns an almost luminous pink when Mason's legs lock around his waist. "Nowhere near your junk," Mason assures him.

Mason splits Freddy's legs wide and rests his foot against the panicky rookie's balls. "You don't have to go that haaard!" Freddy sobs. "Yeah, but I kinda do, right?" Mason replies, applying a leglock and leaning in crotch to crotch. Mason asks and Freddy tells him his boyfriend's name is Ash. "Kinda rings a bell," Mason quips, relieved the boyfriend's not Kayden Keller. "Why are you beating me up?" the pathetic wretch gasps. "I think all bets are off here," Brooks says. Having identified Freddy's boyfriend is Ash DeLeon, he is eager to take the fight to the next level. Freddy Campbell should have kept his big mouth shut.

Mason Brooks's torso is slick with sweat about now. He accuses Freddy of setting this whole situation up: "Who puts on a thong anyway? Except somebody who wants to get stripped down to it." By the final third of the match, the last act, both wrestlers are buck naked. The match, one-sided and staying that way, is as smoldering as any match BG East has produced. It has the heat AND the humidity, turning the Wrestleshack into a virtual sauna. Nervous Freddy Campbell has stepped over a line that can't be taken back. So has Mason. And fantasy transgression has never been so steamy or so much fun.

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Freddy Campbell vs. Mason Brooks*
36 minutes

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Mason glances back to observe his own masterful work, working his bulge into Freddy's face

A thick, swole Mason masters Freddy face-first into the mats with a double armbar

Freddy is nothing but a plaything for the muscled veteran with a ceiling hold variation

Mason is malicious man, delighting in the pained cries as he tramples his opponent's bulge

Freddy can't help but hide his face in shame in the mats as Mason gropes his bountiful booty

A fully nude Mason is perched on an equally stripped Freddy and grinds his face in the mats

Mason Brooks: 5'9, 150 lbs

Trapped under the buffed body of his foe, Freddy is forced to gaze up at the salivating heel

In a session that was supposed to be "just practice", Mason works on some serious rookie-wrecking

The mats are undeniably Mason's domain as he rolls and wrecks the newbie with aplomb

Mason shows off his thick, magical pecs with a humbling crotch-to-face schoolboy pin

A fully flounced Freddy can do nothing but grovel, beaten before the sensually seductive stud

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