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  Leroy Blaze vs. Lobo Gris

Leroy Blaze: 6' 150 lbs

Leroy dangles the keys in front of lusty Lobo's eyes, teasing him like a bull would a matador

The fight looks nearly drained from Leroy already as Lobo drags him up by his head for more punishment

Lobo gives his cocky foe a history lesson and stretches him out in a backbreaking Aryx rack

Prostrated, stretched, and bent, Lobo works his opponent over with a headscissoring scorpion hold

Leroy rides Lobo and wrecks his shoulders as he rips and yanks his arms back behind him

Is This What You Wanted?

Leroy Blaze holds the keys to BGEast's ringspace, and he's not letting solo-practicing gymnast Lobo Gris out - until he gets the fight he has been angling for! Blaze sees Gris as his ticket to the big time â?? fight the best to become the best. Leroy's losses to Kirk, Jonny, rookie Evan haven't fazed him. His ego is unmatched â?? or, perhaps, unhinged. Leroy has audacity and nerve, but taking on potential superstar Lobo Gris under these circumstances runs a big risk.

Leroy won't take no for an answer, and Lobo is late, so he strips off his pricey, skintight gymnast gear. Blaze attacks him from behind as Lobo folds the gear. Blaze's legs clamp down on Lobo's head and crunches it against the middle rope. He shows no mercy for Lobo's hoarse gasps for air. He wipes his shoes on Lobo's expensive gear. This disrespect sets off this preeminent underground wrestler, and a firm side headlock, head drives to the canvas, with a firm, crushing grip, welcome Blaze to a world of hurt.

"You ready for this?" Lobo taunts the upstart after ramming the punk's body crosswise to a turnbuckle. Gris bends Blaze backwards. "Is this what you wanted?" Lobo barks. "To be in the corner crying?" Blaze submits in a barely audible whisper. Gris is surprised how quickly Blaze gives up. Blaze's body tumbles down to the mat. Gris demands the keys to the exit. "Don't make me take them!" Blaze slowly shoots his middle finger in defiance. Gris is surprised by his opponent's temerity but relishes the opportunity to mangle Blaze some more. Blaze is obviously asking for it, and Gris is happy to deliver. "Won't you give me the keys?" Gris asks as he bends Blaze backwards. Blaze refuses with a hoarse, guttural "no." You have to admire the man's determination and endurance.

When Lobo zooms in with another attack, he gets caught between Blaze's thighs. Blaze clutches the middle ropes to pull himself up, adding pressure to the squeeze. He taunts and torments Lobo, asking if he still wants the keys and then adds, "Everybody can't have what they want." He teases Gris, who writhes in agony. Blaze proves to be stronger and more devious than Lobo expected. But Devious pain-sponge Blaze is determined to outlast the physically sturdier Lobo Gris. The attacks continue on both sides, making it impossible to predict which man will triumph. Lobo and Blaze are caught in a whirlwind. History tells us that Lobo is more likely to win â?? but how? when? and what will be the damages both men must endure just to survive?

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Fights 12: No Escape


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Leroy Blaze vs. Lobo Gris
23 minutes

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A rude awakening is in store for Leroy as Lobo drives his fist up in between his legs

Standing tall over his erstwhile captor, Lobo flexes and pulverizes his skull in a standing headscissors

Lobo delights in torturing his opponent with a suspended, backbending, headscissor submission hold

Lobo rides his challenger around the mats, working a bodyscissoring inverted headlock

A leg-nelson may spell the end for Leroy as his chin gets cranked into his chest with his arms locked back

Lobo drives his boot to Leroy's throat, stretching and bending him over the turnbuckle

Lobo Gris: 5'10, 184 lbs

Lobo looks to make quick work of the cocky underclassmen with a single-leg boston crab

Blaze nonchalantly chokes and headscissors the more experienced wrestler in the ropes

Leroy won't stop until he breaks the sexy latino into compliance with a skull-crushing headscissors

Lobo is nothing if not resourceful, using the turnbuckles in his quest to break his foe in a torture rack

Leroy has the skills to back up his mouth and looks to make Lobo tap out in a crippler crossface

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