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  Tanner Ripley vs. Kirk Donahue vs. Gabe Steel

Tanner Ripley: 5'9, 165 lbs

Tanner rains a big hammersmash to Kirk's lean bod racked across Gabe's broad shoulder

Alliances are so tenuous in a three-way as Gabe snatches a Kirk-riding Tanner in a rear choke

Tanner finds himself on the bottom of a dogpile as his other foe is cranked back in a crossface

The prettyboy himbo takes control and works a vicious ab-stretching on his wailing foe

Tanner gets hoisted and lifted off the mats in Gabe's torturous, suspended backbending submission

Three Angry Men, One Spectacular Match!

Donahue lays out the rules for the three-way match. A pin or a submission will send a wrestler to the ring apron. He can get back in the ring if someone else is pinned or submitted, or if he tags back into the match. Donahue, Steel, and Ripley then lock hands, but Kirk straight away submits and exits the ring. "I'm playing the long game." Steel and Ripley are left to fight each other one on one, a muscle clash of body types and longtime foes.

Gabe and Tanner get down to business, and within seconds, Gabe grips Tanner in a rear bearhug, his forearms painfully crushing Tanner's ribs. Tanner will not submit, so Gabe slams him to the mat, then positions him for a piledriver, but abandons the move, suddenly dropping Tanner. He bends down, and the two have a 'tete-a-tete'. They rush to the ropes, grab Kirk by the arms and snap him in to the center of the ring. Now these two are united as they take turns pummeling Kirk against the turnbuckle!

Winded, Kirk falls flat on his face. Tanner gets him in a camel clutch. Gabe lies on his back, his boots pressed to Kirk's chest, intensifying the pressure to Kirk's neck. Gabe moves his foot to Kirk's adam's apple. Kirk hoarsely retches his submission. Gabe wastes no time getting Kirk in a backbreaker. Tanner springs up and slams his clenched fists to Kirk's chest multiple times before applying a claw hold to the abs. Gabe releases Kirk, and a thoroughly fatigued Donahue drapes over the middle rope as Tanner rides his shoulders.

Now Gabe turns on Tanner, clamping him into a rear naked choke. He pulls Tanner off Donahue like an orange peel. He hurls Kirk to a turnbuckle, then slaps Tanner chest-to-chest against Kirk. He then charges shoulder first into both. Tanner body-slams Kirk. Gabe then locks shoulder to shoulder with Tanner. Tanner knee-jabs Gabe back to the turnbuckle, planting his boot on Gabe's neck!

The whole match is a Rubik's cube of perspiring bodies turning on each other. Closed fist punches and ferocious body slams give the every-man-for-himself attacks a pounding rhythm. All three men are soaked with sweat before the match's halfway point. No sooner do two men tie themselves into raw pulsating knots than the third man leaps in, his boot slashing across both fighters' heads. The choreography is well-paced and heart-stopping. One man gets thrown out of the ring, and his attacker takes aim at the third man.

The battle stumbles out of the ring onto the hard concrete and then back again. This avalanche of pain would be fatiguing if it were not for the fact that exiting the ring gives each man a breather before leaping back into the fray. Glistening flesh on flesh is lubricious in both senses of the word - slippery and arousing. The last man standing piles his challengers on each other and sits on them. He then arranges their glistening bodies in humiliating and excruciating poses. The last man standing glistens like a god while his challengers are knotted together beneath him.

This match should not be missed. It is a high point among high points through BGE's distinguished history. But this one stands out ... like a well-lubricated hardon.

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Thrash 7


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Tanner Ripley vs. Kirk Donahue vs. Gabe Steel
41 minutes

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Gabe's laissez-faire dominance might be at end with Tanner's lean legs headscissoring him out cold

With both Kirk and Tanner bound in the ropes, Gabe lays down a dirty double ball claw

Tanner thinks he's going to pick up the win over Kirk, but a ball-clawing Gabe has other plans

A jobber sandwich, welldone, as Gabe pistons his boots deep into both boys' brutalized balls

Tanner's body gets bent in ways it was never meant, broken across Gabe's broad back

Snatching victory from the jaws of defeat: Tanner hoisted in a crucific headscissors his erstwhile foe

Kirk Donahue: 5'10, 170 lbs

Gabe Steel: 5'9, 210 lbs

Gabe lets the two smaller studs torture each other and swoops in to pick up the crumbs

Gabe is feasting well (as is Tanner!) as he breaks Kirk in tea bagging torture rack

Tanner's taut muscled body goes for a ride as Gabe bounces his balls on the ring ropes

Tanner finds no respite with his back bent brutally in a spine-snapping boston crab

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