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  Vince Cobretti vs. Cruze

Vince Cobretti

Vince tries a leglock on Cruze

Acrobatic Vince leaps over Cruze

Vince beaten down

Italian Rookie Debut!

Making his wrestling debut, Vince demonstrates some very sexy acrobatics and shows off his lean ripped muscles and that famous butt. He's the classic Italian-American street tough. Cruze steps through the ropes in his black leather jacket and boots, a skimpy red bikini, cockily taunting the tough rookie with put-downs and challenges. Cruze's headscissors has Vince's cute face right in the big Cruze crotch. The spunky rookie punk resists with high flying maneuvers and dropkicks, a very impressive sequence which ends with Cruze pinned! Both show off their martial arts skills with nasty flying fists and feet. But there's just as much mat action. Cruze's ring experience spells trouble for the newcomer as Vince gets squeezed and stretched in all directions, displaying all that beautiful ripped muscle. What great abs! If you like your fighters dark and handsome, rough and tough, lean and mean, you'll love Vince Cobretti.

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Vince Cobretti vs. Cruze
33 minutes

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Vince caught in a hangman

Cruze applies the pressure


A backbreaker over the knee

Vince tries to escape a headlock

Cruze trying to take control

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