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  Wade Cutler vs. Steve Sherman

Wade Cutler

Steve tries to pin Wade

Wade wraps he massive arms around Steve's head

Steve applies a modified Boston crab on Wade


Wade Oiled Up for Revenge

These two Hard Pro ultrahunks, shimmering and glazed in oil present an Army vs. Marines match of sorts. Wade Cutler 'the Marine' is still stunning and hot to avenge himself after his loss in Paradise 3, to oil wrestling itself as much as to his hot opponents. This time, his opponent could not be hotter! Sexy Steve Sherman is a ripped model with looks as astounding as Wade's. Like Wade, he also has a background in the military and hopes the oil will not neutralize too much of his skill!

Cool matmoves keep the outcome of this feast for fan's eyes in doubt, throughout. Wade's bare humpy butt and Steve's big pouch add fuel to the juicy action. Wade has more luck against this less amateur oriented showoff, and both wrestlers make sure the crowd gets an eyeful of shining muscle whenever they are on top. Ab fans look out, these perfectly chiselled men get put in muscle-stretching submissions, their six-packs shimmering as they struggle... Nasty 'audience member' Jose flashes his own big excited cock as he watches the arousing action. Sexy!!!

WADE CUTLER - 5'6", 165 lbs.
STEVE SHERMAN - 5'11", 176 lbs.

Purchase Paradise 4

$25.00  Originally $34.00

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Wade Cutler vs. Steve Sherman
18 minutes

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Steve controls Wade on the ground

Steve enjoys the moment

Steve Sherman gets oiled.

Steve takes Wade to the mat

Steve on top

Wade nelsoned and scissored

Wade tries to stop Steve's takedown

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