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  Ron Richter vs. TNT

Ron Ritcher

TNT all stretched out by Ron

TNT tossed from the ring

TNT punishes Ron

The original crotch crusher

Rookie Ron meets Tough TNT

TNT gets challenges from a variety of chumps who either don't realize what a torture machine this lean wrestler really is, or who do realize it and want to be stretched and forced to give up! Stepping out of a white robe, Ron reveals a sexy white bikini, white boots and a lean muscled physique. TNT accepted this challenge because this guy looked like someone who wanted a beating. Mouthing off and underestimating his skilled opponent, TNT gets tossed out of the ring! This guy has talent and wants to show up the lightweight superstar! Crotch shots give TNT a comeback and a chance to stretch Ron's leg showing off a beautiful basket! A leg-spread has both crotches on display but it's TNT who's forced to submit. True to form, tough Ron gets put through TNT's encyclopedia of submissions, each unique and very painful. But Ron's abstretch variation is the hottest we've seen! We'll leave it to the viewer to determine if these two wrestlers got what they expected from this match! We sure got what we wanted!

Conversion Sale! Was $54 now $39 (dvd)

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$39.00  Originally $54.00

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Ron Richter vs. TNT
23 minutes

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TNT has Ron on display in a dragon sleeper

A backbreaker on Ron

TNT stretches Ron to the limit!

TNT pounds Ron's chest

TNT headscissors Ron's head into the corner

Nowhere to go for TNT

TNT all rolled up by Ron

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