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  Kid Vicious vs. Jimmy Clarke

Kid Vicious

Crotch crushing Jimmy

KV ties up his victim

The famous Rookie Wrecker

KV's crotch to face hammerlock

A Vicious Motel Encounter

Kid Vicious travels the world with his punk friends--the latest protege of Kid Leopard and his sadistic eroticism, but with a twist. Vicious looks almost like a babyface, which makes the suffering he brings out all the more stirring. He likes dishing it out, he can take it, but either way his pro style private wrestling runs the gamut from erotic to merely sadistic. Here, long before his persona hardened into the brutal skinhead heel who punches above his weight, he found himself in a motel match against fellow pro aficionado Jimmy. It is no squash.

Meeting lightly hairy Jimmy in a seedy motel room, with hard rock/heavy metal music playing in the background, it's not at all clear who will win. Jimmy has a stoic ability to soak up the punishment, and keep fighting. These guys put each other in hold after hold, including surfboards, full nelsons, pec and gut punches. Then it's on to sexy headscissors, crotch-face pins, body scissors, ball grabbing, backbreakers, boston crab, Mormon sickle, figure-4 leglock, and several slams to the mattress! An incredible sleeper over the knee puts the finishing touch on this evenly matched pro bout. It's an amazing submissions fest, all the moreso because it isn't quite clear which of them is enjoying being on top more, as their impassive yet intensely delighted demeanors will be mysterious and to many pro fans, sizzling. After this match, one can only imagine what happened in that room, but we get to see the good part! A long and intense wrestling fest!

KID VICIOUS: 6'1", 165 lbs.
JIMMY CLARKE: 5'11", 165 lbs.

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Kid Vicious vs. Jimmy Clarke
49 minutes

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Big flying forearm smash

Sucking on some crotch

Jimmy Clarke

Bulging bending Boston crab

Headlock choke

A 'Vicious' armbar on Jimmy

Crotch ripping & spread-wide in Vicious legsplit

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