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  Brad Rochelle vs. Braden Charron

Braden Charron!

Fearsome figure 4 head scissors

Braden struts his stuff!

The red white & blue!

If Helen?s face launched a thousand ships, then Braden?s magnificently muscled mounds should launch a thousand boners! They are revealed when he strips out of his singlet before slipping into the tiny old glory trunks that barely cover his work of art glutes. He complies with the auditioner's demand only to be attacked again, this time outside the ring by Brad, who tires of waiting for the kid to get his act together. A series of vicious pec claws, chokes, half-crabs and camels leaves the rookie reeling. But Braden rallies to put a beating on Brad with a series of spine cracking, rib crunching and oft-repeated bear hugs. But Brad?s been on the receiving end too long and too often?and he remembers all too well the dirty tricks that left him sprawled in pain over the years. Braden pauses to pose in anticipation of triumph. (Will these rookies ever learn?) A shot to the bodybuilder's balls leave the lovely lad on his back clutching his sack and moaning in pain. Brad is back in charge! Taunting and merciless, Brad unleashes all the fury that?s been simmering inside for years. Braden takes a beating that would make anyone reconsider a career in the ring: arm bars, scissors, slams, chops, and some clever variations of classic holds that would make even the most experienced muscle monster wince in pain. Brad takes no pity on the young battered bodybuilder, leaving Braden tombstone-sprawled, those skimpy USA trunks wedged firmly between those amazing All-American cheeks.

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Brad Rochelle vs. Braden Charron
37 minutes

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The Contract 8 Arena Galleries

Tombstone time!

Single backbending boston

The Braden bearhug

Braden holds his stuff!

Split cradle pin

Brad's camel

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