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  Marcelo Muscle vs. Christopher Bruce  

Marcelo 5'7, 160

Single leg boston

Head banging full nelson

Bruce about to be bostoned?

Lakeside Mat War

Marcelo is aptly named, his trunks clinging to his well-muscled frame like a second skin as he stretches out by the lake. Handsome and well stacked, he was thrilled that legendary BGE star Chris Bruce accepted his challenge. And once Chris removes his blue T-shirt, it's obvious why he is such a fan favorite and why Marcelo and so many other BG stars want a shot at Chris: He's the total All-American all-star package: ripped muscles and a classic physique and face that look carved out of marble. And the bikini he's wearing only emphasizes his perfect curves. Marcelo, however, isn't intimidated by the physical perfection of his foe, and quickly gains the upper hand with a headlock take down and cranks on the pressure. But Chris is bigger and stronger than ever and traps Marcelo's head between those huge quads of steel! Marcelo is no easy mark, and manages to get Chris into his own headscissors, and then rolls him up into a schoolboy pin that shows off Chris' assets. Marcelo contemptuously gives him a couple of face slaps - which enrages the muscle stud. Chris powers out and reverses matters to a school boy pin of his own. "Two can play at this game," Chris mutters, but Marcelo isn't convinced, even as he gamely suffers through a brutal Bruce bearhug. He scores a quick reversal, slaps a single leg boston crab on Chris, arching and bending and riding his back to the breaking point - will Chris be forced to submit? Read on, Bruce fans, read on...


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Marcelo Muscle vs. Christopher Bruce
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Back bending bodyscissors

Marcelo schoolboyed

Christopher Bruce 5'9, 180

The big Bruce bearhug

Christopher nelsoned

Boston crab

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