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  Gabe Steel vs. Leo Gotti*

Gabe Steel: 5'9, 210 lbs

Gabe finds himself in the enviable position of taking the BG newbie for a test drive in the ring

Gettting his little red corvette revved up, a grinning Gabe surveys Leo's bountiful bubblebutt

Leo shows he's not to be taken lightly, flexing for his appreciative foe in a squatting schoolboy

Gabe looks to put an end to Leo's debut in a backbending tombstone piledriver

Leo clutches at Gabe's massive arms as they suck the life from him in a rear (literally) naked choke


Few things excite our heels more than the sight of fresh muscle ready to be welcomed to BG East. And when we say 'excite', we mean it! Gabe's bulge is hard as 'Steel' as he approaches the ring and eyes the stunning rookie Leo Gotti flexing. "Fresh Meat! I'm going to kick your ass and then I'm going to definitely have my fun with you" says the Puerto Rican as he enters the ring while stroking his already rock-hard cock. Most would have run away at the sight of such an intimidating weapon in full display, but Gotti is unfazed. He might be new to the BGE ring, but the Italian American knows the game he is about to play. Knowing his delightfully proportioned body is the reason why Gabe's trunks are about to burst, Leo knows it's just a matter of pushing the right buttons before he has the heavyweight heel on his knees. Leo craves having his beautiful body worshiped, but against powerful heel Gabe, he also knows he's in a high-risk, high-reward situation.

During the inevitable and welcome flexing pose-off, Gabe just can't resist touching the new hunk's impeccable biceps. Leo is stunned with a match-opening low blow that turns into a suspended ball grab. But instead of going full beast mode and wrecking this rookie as he just promised, that big handful gets Steel 'dick-stracted' in the process. Weaponizing Gabe's lust, Leo seizes the opening and goes for Gabe's own big and vulnerable target: that monster between his legs! Leo shows how quickly he can turn the tables on Gabe by simply flexing his magnificent assets, momentarily hypnotizing him (and us) into giving up control. Hunk Gotti even humiliates Steel with an impressive submission hold, making him painfully float mid-air, surely asking himself: why does being owned by this newbie feel so good?

Does Gabe snap out from his muscle-induced trance back into destruction mode? Or will Leo keep him guessing about who's got control over whom? A delight for ball-busting and muscle-worship fans, this match defies any prediction. Trunks certainly don't stay on for long as the advantage goes back and forth, but only one thing is constant throughout this bout: Gabe's dick NEVER goes down! In the end, one of these men is bound and thoroughly manhandled while the other is driven to an explosive climax in an unmissable worshipping frenzy you will instantly want to revisit.

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Gabe Steel vs. Leo Gotti*
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Leo draped across Gabe's broad shoulders gets the wind knocked out of him with a gutbuster

Having had enough of getting used like a heavybag, Leo cranks back in a camel clutch

Spread out, dangling lifelessly on Gabe's shoulders, Leo gets his back broken in a torture rack

Gabe can't keep his hands off himself, stroking his thick missile as he carts Leo on his shoulders

Grounded and trapped in the corner, Gabe leaves himself wide open for the rookie's crotch claw

Stripped of his gear, Leo's nude muscled body gets rolled on his shoulders ass up in a spladle

Leo Gotti: 5'11, 190 lbs

Leo learns the ropes the hard way as Gabe brutally bounces and racks him on the top rope

Rolling his muscled foe up on his shoulders for a pin, Gabe plops his massive mound on his ass

Gabe's big beefy muscled bod gets hoisted high in the newbies joint wrecking mexican ceiling hold

Gabe flips Leo onto his front, twisting and breaking his legs in a leglocking submission hold

Getting a taste of his own defeat, a beaten Leo gets smothered and force-fed his own sweaty trunks

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