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  Guido Genatto vs. Kirk Donahue

Guido Genatto 5'10", 235 lbs

Kirk's defenseless crotch split wide as he begs for mercy

The long, lean babyface lifted up and over in a ring-shaking suplex

The long, lean stud's spine stretched near the breaking point by Guido

Guido mercilessly crushes the rook's hands while torturing his legs

"You're here to get fucked!"

"Back in Daddy's web," massive musclebear Guido Genatto struts, waiting for his next victim to arrive. "Just another fucking day, another fucking jobber. Who's it going to be today? Who wants to come get fucked up!?" Guido is the perfect specimen for fans of beardaddy beatdowns.

Built like a hot, hairy Mac truck, his deep base voice strums the chords that bring muscle bear fanatics to their knees. His beautifully bulging pink trunks are laced with spider webs, foreshadowing the insidious means by which the indy pro heel inevitably traps his opponents and sucks them dry of their will to fight. And then there's the way that the barrel-chested behemoth likes to call himself, "Daddy." Yeah, BG East fans sit up and take notice anytime this bountiful muscle monster steps into the ring.

Guido simply cannot believe his eyes when his shiny, new, wet-behind-the-ears rookie opponent comes jogging to the ring. Kirk Donahue is a combination of Cameron Matthews' little brother and the perfect Irish pro. Boyishly handsome, with an earnest smile and a naïve eagerness to break into the business, adorable Kirk is, almost literally, half the man Guido is. "What the fuck are you doing!?" big Guido rumbles in disbelief at the bit of fluff bouncing on the balls of his feet in front of him. "I'm here, in a wrestling ring," dimple-cheeked Kirk replies, "so I'm here to wrestle!"

"No," Guido shakes his head almost regretfully, "you're here to get fucked!" For a man as mountainously muscled as he is, Guido is incredibly fast. He takes control of the deer-in-the-headlights rookie in an instant and drops him to the canvas. Kirk's trapped arm looks like a toothpick in the pro heel's crippling armbar. "Yeah, I'm going to snap this arm off, you little fuck!"

Kirk has no idea what hit him, over and over again, but he'd appreciate it if you took down the license plate. The rumbling bass voice of his opponent provides a running commentary of just how far over his head the stymied rookie is. Snapping him up into a headlock, Guido crushes Kirk's rosie cheek against the behemoth's massive, hairy pecs, pretty much swallowing the kid whole beneath layer upon layer of thick, powerful, meaty muscle. "What the fuck do you seriously think you're going to do to me?" he growls deeply. "Why don't you tap that mat before I snap your fucking neck!"

Obediently, Kirk taps out and quickly starts to drag his sorry ass across the ring to beat a hasty exit. Guido lets him start to climb through the ropes before he grabs him by the ankles and drags him back in. "Right back into the fucking web, right where you belong!"

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Guido Genatto vs. Kirk Donahue
31 minutes

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A powerful bicep grinds Kirk's skull into dust in a rear-naked choke

Guido tests the jobber's flexibility by adding a backbending chinlock to the seated ceiling hold

Kirk Donahue, 5'10 170 lbs

Kirk's lean body writhes weakly in a full leg nelson

Guido's power-packed body gorilla presses the lighter stud to send him back in the ring

Big bad Guido upends the jobber in an inverted reverse bearhug

Big bear paws clamp around Kirk's neck dragging him back to feet for more punishment

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