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  Paul Hudson vs. Len Harder

Kinetic sculpture: Len neck-cranked

Hudson's House of Horrors

Long lean Len lifted and racked

Paul's punishing guillotine/leglock

Paul's perfect folding press

Jonah to Paul: "Take Your Hands Off Him!"

The action here is excellent, with one wrestler barely able to get a hold on the other before it's escaped or reversed and the tables turned! These two lightweights definitely have mat skills, as they throw everything at each other but the kitchen sink trying to pin or wring a submission out of the other! Back and forth the battle rages, only it is soon apparent that Paul seems to be enjoying the punishment he is dealing Len a little bit more than the other way around! Paul finally scores the first submission, but Len is back up and coming at him again with hardly a breather. Folding presses, submission holds, throws, scissors, bearhugs and slams - the hot holds fly fast and furious. When Len evens the submission score, pouting Paul opens his House of Hudson Horrors!

It's no longer about winning; it's about destroying the foe. The final fall has some back torture that has to be seen to be believed, elbow drops, over the knee backbreakers, and a torture rack that has one youngster screaming loud enough to be heard back at the maison! Loud enough, in fact, to bring another one of the company's young lightweight stud-stars to the rescue, bringing this match to a stunning and very provocative conclusion - and setting the stage for a major brawl between Paul Hudson and one Jonah Richards! Stay tuned, wrestling fans, stay tuned!

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Grapplers 8


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Paul Hudson vs. Len Harder
26 minutes

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Other Len Harder Matches

Gazebo Grapplers 8 Arena Galleries

Len gets a reverse folder

Hudson shoots for a triangle

Len works a tight cross-body scissors

Hudson clamps on a bear hug

Big back bender: Knee-drop!

Back-breaking chin lock

Punishing Paul: Len cranks Hudson's neck and crunches his ribs

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