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  Kid Vicious vs. Jobe Zander

Sweaty, determined Kid Vicious

Some forced muscle worship

Wedging & spanking The Centerpiece

KV delivers his rookie wrecker

Back breaker bound in the ropes

Pretty in Pink, Balls in Blue!

Kid Vicious didn't become one of the most feared wrestlers at BGEast by being nice and sportsmanlike in the ring. The list of his victims is a veritable who's who of stars and one-timers afraid to ever come back. Vicious loves nothing more than taking some hunk apart - keeping a running commentary on his mastery of the latest notch on his leather belt. "You like this?" he asks constantly, in a low voice sure to haunt the dreams of his victims for nights to cum. And when he arrives at the ring, trademark smirk on his demonic face, irrepressible Jobe lets loose with a string of insults that, unbeknownst to him, only tightens the noose KV is figuratively fashioning around his neck. Jobe may be a bit naive but he is definitely no rookie. He tries to pre-empt the skinhead heel with a cheap shot of his own - attacking KV before he even gets through the ropes! Has our Jobe finally learned what it takes to win a match at BG East?

But he isn't wrestling Cole Cassidy or even young Jonny'this is Kid Vicious, and KV LIKES pain - giving it or getting it, either way, gives the skinhead a big boner. Being punished arouses him, gets his blood going, and the subsequent thirst for revenge turns him into something that not's quite human. And as he begins to show Jobe exactly what it means to suffer, what the real definition of pain at BGEast is, Jobe's screams just grow longer and louder'and even when Jobe is able to dish out some of what he is receiving'it only makes his own destiny - and fate - more clear.

How much punishment can the Centerpiece - and his 'centerpiece', take?

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Kid Vicious vs. Jobe Zander
58 minutes

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KV brushes up on his guitar skills perched on Jobe's face with a reverse schoolboy

KV dominate The Centerpiece

Smothered by The Centerpiece

Sexy bulge-to-bulge bearhug

Single leg boston crotch claw

Kid Vicious tunes up his guitar

Jobe Zander wedgied & whacked

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