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  Tim Sheridan vs. Jake Ryder

Jake Ryder - 6'0, 160

Face smothering headscissors

Chickenwing and bubble butt

Jake Ryder trapped in Tim's crotch

Jake mounts Tim's bulge to clamp on the kiss of death as Tim tries to fight off the deadly sleeper

The Mat Is Where It's At!

Matwork is the pod out of which all other modern wrestling forms sprout. Add ropes and a bit of spectacle, and you've got classic pro wrestling. Add a cage and throw out the rulebook, and you've got MMA. Take the spectacle and throw out both the rules and the matwork, and you've got, well ... you've got 90 percent of the wrestling's that's on TV today. Tim Sheridan and Jake Ryder enrolled in the Leopard's Lair, hoping to strike it big at BG East. Both come to us with some amateur experience. Tim has already taken his spandex out for a spin in two previous BGE matches. First, he got schooled on Paul Hudson's Wrestler Spotlight, then both appeared on Wrestleshack 12: Tim talking on Christian Taylor and Jake making his BG debut in a hot, sweaty, barn-burner jock-strap match versus AJ Lyle. As the trainers at the Lair constantly drill into our recruits, you have to master the basics first, and the basics are the holds and moves of mat wrestling.

Like a lot of our guys, especially the new ones, Tim and Jake enter the painted circle with sheepish grins on their faces. They're looking for a good match, ready to test their muscles and moves against the other guy's, confident in their abilities, but uncertain of what exactly they've signed on to here. Of the two we'd pick Jake as the more aggressive. He's a few years older, and he brings to the mat his experience in private, nonprofessional bouts at home. During the screening process, we asked him what drew him to wrestling and to BG East. He said, "I think it's my mission in life to make dudes my bitches." Music to our ears, Mr. Ryder, now if you'll just sign right here on our standard release form!

Tim, a good-looking boy-next-door type with an easygoing manner, has shown promise in his training bouts. His debut against Christian Taylor showed he has more fire and passion in his bones (and boner) than initial impressions suggested. His second match for us was even a bigger test. We put him up against the 145-pound barracuda going by the name Paul Hudson. Hudson picks twink-wrestlers out of his teeth at night. We had low expectations of Tim. But again, he showed unexpected fire and stronger arms and thighs than we had banked on. Even Paul had to show the guy some begrudging respect. Tim seemed the perfect wrestler to break in Jake, somebody to put the enthusiastic would-be sadist through his paces, without giving too much up along the way.

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Tim Sheridan vs. Jake Ryder
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Hangman neckbreaker: Tim Sheridan demands that Jake Ryder SUBMIT!

Jake studies Tim's pouch as he sits deep into this punishing back-breaking boston crab variation

Tim Sheridan - 5'9, 157

Jake gets nasty with Tim

Hairpull! Jakes talks trash to Tim

Pec claw! Tim trapped and tortured

Sexy schoolboy pin: Jake tells cute struggling and protesting Tim he's right where he belongs!

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