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  Cody Blayde vs. Bryan Idol

Cody Blayde: 6', 185 lbs.

Idol carries his rainbow-haired opponent up and over for a ring-shaking suplex

Cody is down but not out as Bryan seizes him with a handful of hair to drag him up for more

The handsome lionmaned heel is just getting started with his young, ambitious opponent

Idol bends Blayde over with a shoulder-wrecking armbar in an effort to slow his opponent down

Cody senses victory is within reach as he drags a crawling Bryan up by his straps

Small Town vs. Big City

It's youth vs. experience in this penultimate match of the night. Cody Blayde is hardly inexperienced, but the fact remains he's a relative newcomer to the wrestling scene, especially compared to his opponent this evening. Cody has come far in his early years in the business, his hard-earned physique, skill, and brightly colored hair and gear a testament to his drive to be the next big thing, but to get that far this small town boy trying to make a splash in the big city will have to prove his worth against a big city man with many times his experience.

With more than 10 years of wrestling under his belt, Bryan Idol is not an easy man to impress, and he certainly doesn't make much of the fresh-faced, charismatic upstart standing up to him in the ring. When the new kid strikes a pose in an ill-fated attempt to show the Idol what he's up against and get the crowd on his side, the man only has to pop one hard-muscled bicep to show off a physique that tells Cody he's got an uphill climb if he wants to win this match tonight, or impress the assembled crowd.

The action comes down to speed vs. power, agility vs. timing, and endurance vs. well-targeted attacks. Cody may be the faster, but one boot from Bryan smashes him flat to the mat. He may catch the bigger man with his drop kick, but when Bryan knows what the kid is planning, Cody whiffs more than one attack. And Cody may have stamina on his side, but it only lasts so long when a well-trained opponent repeatedly targets his back, abs, or neck for punishment.

Cody Blayde shows plenty of heart in this match, rising to the challenge even as he's battered and beaten by a man he was outmatched against from the start. He fights on, clinging to one ray of hope, Bryan's overconfidence. With his tactics taking their toll on the long-haired kid, Idol is slow to capitalize on his advantages, so certain he has this match in the bag. Cody repeatedly fights back from a brutal assault, but the big man doesn't take the hint, still assured he can put the small-timer away at his leisure.

Despite the veteran's lackadaisical attitude towards his opponent, the action hardly slows throughout this match. Cody fights with everything in him until the very last moment. Will it be enough for the rising star to capture an upset victory? Or is it just a matter of time before his lion-maned opponent finally goes in for the kill?

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With Pride 2


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Cody Blayde vs. Bryan Idol
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Blayde raises a hand, showing that he's still in this fight until the very end against Bryan Idol

A finely-sculpted Idol works Cody Blayde's lean body over with an oblique-shredding abstretch

There's a new idol in town! Blayde stands celebrating over a beaten, prostrated Bryan

Idol aims to bend the Blayde until he breaks with a knee to the spine as Cody reaches for the ropes

Cody's future with BGEast is as bright and exciting as his hair as he has won fans in his debut

Cody delivers a jaw-shattering kick in his mission to earn a win over the veteran wrestler Idol

Bryan Idol: 6'2", 205 lbs.

Blayde launches himself off the apron as Idol retreats to the ill-advised safety of the audience

Idol seeks to put Cody away by trapping and choking his smaller opponent over the ropes

Cody hangs limply over the ropes, weighed down and choked by a debuting Bryan Idol

The Idol is in trouble as Cody launches himself for a bodysplash on the unforgiving arena floor

Bryan turns out the colorful Cody's lights with a big, chin-busting flying knee

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