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  Patrick Donovan vs. Jarret Cole

Patrick Donovan - 6'1, 160 lbs

Gutbashing Patrick on the ropes

Backbreaking Boston crab

Patrick ready for a big slam

With Patrick's arm, head and leg securely locked, Jarret claws deep into his awesome abs

Woof! Doggy-Style Champ, or, Is That A Pistol In Your Pocket?

It's about time! With over twenty BGE matches to his credit, singles and tag, ring and mat, Patrick Donovan well deserves the spotlight. One of the most durable and versatile performers on the BG East roster, Donovan wrestles babyface or heel with equal conviction, and in his time he has taken on the company's best and most colorful talent - men like Dick the Prick, Brigham Bell, Brad Rochelle, Kid Vicious, Mitch Colby, Justin Pierce, Alexi Adamov, and most recently, the Z-Man - as diverse a crew as you're apt to find anywhere. He has battled beefcake and twink alike in the ring, on the mats, and in the gazebo. You can view his lean and hungry face as either strong and silent or mean and vicious - and he can play it however you want. His ability to dominate an opponent is matched by his ability to take a licking - as only a true master of the art of wrestling can.

It's unbelievable even to us that it has taken us this long to pair Donovan up with Jarret Cole. In retrospect these two were destined to face off from the beginning. Both are unabashed in their enthusiasm for balls-to-the-wall physical wrestling, pushing each contest to the erotic limits of their (and our) fantasies. They both are raunchily sexy and smolderingly aggressive. To find two more never-say-die performers would be hard, if not impossible. These guys were fated not only to battle each other but also to set off fireworks in the bargain. They are alike, too, in occupying the shadowlands between heel and face. And masters of juggling contradictions, they bring sex and violence to fusion. Either one of them would turn heads in a dinner jacket or UPS browns, but put them in trunks and let them tangle and they radiate irresistible sex appeal. Jarret Cole and Patrick Donovan are sexy wrestlers most of all because they wrestle sexy - and wrestle tough.

But if you're reading this, none of this is news to you. More than likely Donovan and Cole have already quietly yet tenaciously entrenched themselves in your fantasies. The impressions they have made on underground wrestling are lasting. They delight in grinding themselves into a competitor while in turn they grind him into the mat. Bringing these two capable grapplers together is as bold and perverse as taking a live wire to the swimming pool. Of course, our enchantment with the sport of wrestling has always derived in large part from the delirious thrill of skin-on-skin friction, and Cole and Donovan bring the sport's dry-humping subtext right to the surface as each tries to boston-crab, bearhug, and body-scissors his way to the top, as de facto champion of doggy-style rassling. Woof!

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Spotlight: Patrick Donovan


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Patrick Donovan vs. Jarret Cole
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Hot ass & bulge = tempting target

Patrick gets a mouth full of Jarret and a smothering head scissors

Jarret Cole - 5'11, 180 lbs

Big breathtaking bearhug

A good use for the bottom rope

Folded, pressed and Pinned!

Spladled and spread wide open, Patrick gets legsplit and punished by mean Jarret Cole

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