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  Kieran Dunne vs. Aryx Quinn

Cute Kieran Dunne - 5'7, 160

Aryx bulges big in Kieran's scissors

Kieran powered up in the Aryx Rack

Grab that waistband and gut bash!

Rolled from side to side, Aryx grovels and groans as powerful rock hard quads compress his head

The Soldierboy and the Goldenboy

Whatever one thinks of Golden Boy Kieran Dunne, he fills out a pair of gold trunks like few others with that shapely butt and the surrounding well-defined and beefy muscle. Just ask him - he'll be more than happy to tell you so himself. Kieran has never passed a mirror without stopping to check himself out - and this is precisely what he's doing as he waits in the ring for his next opponent, putting on an impressive display of mouth-watering masculine musculature posing for his favorite audience - himself. Long hours in the gym and eating right have paid off for The Golden Boy, which his formidable foe, Aryx Quinn, can't help but notice as he struts around the ring with his military duffel bag slung over his shoulder. Arrogant Aryx is no slouch in the body department either, but his rippling abs and beauteous bubble butt pale in comparison to his mighty mouth. He immediately starts mouthing off to Kieran, pointing out that Kieran's gold trunks are all wrong for him. "Gold denotes value, of which you have none," he sneers, pulling out a pair of pink trunks he feels are more suited to Kieran, who tosses them back without a word. Now, Aryx takes his turn in front of the mirror, stretching and flexing. "I've had it with your attitude," Aryx taunts, getting into Kieran's face. "You want to be bad? I'll show you how to be bad," and he proceeds to do just that - grabbing the muscle boy by the neck - and down below - and tossing him into the turnbuckles for some brutal corner punishment!

Another Kieran beatdown seems to be in the cards as Aryx takes him from corner to corner, tossing him into the ropes and forearm smashing him as he comes flying back - but crafty Kieran comes off the ropes with a cross body block that slams the mouthy soldierboy flat on his back! He kicks out before he can be pinned for the 3 count but is too dazed to resist or escape as Kieran's powerful legs clamp down on his head! Defiantly, Aryx refuses to submit to the high-pressure hold even as Kieran flops him around the mat, amping up the power by tightening his thick thighs and flexing his gorgeous glutes! This scissorfest continues, switching from head to cross body, as Aryx struggles to breathe, the smug look wiped right off his reddening face as he gets more than he bargained for!

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Spotlight: Kieran Dunne


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Kieran Dunne vs. Aryx Quinn
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Kieran gets stretched out in Aryx's signature hangman hold

Studly suffering, Kieran's back stretched to the limit

Ripped Aryx Quinn - 5'8, 160 lbs

Bottoms up! Tight cakes on view

Aryx feels Kieran's power

The Quinn Lock perfectly applied

Bare bottomed hunk, the golden boy's golden glutes exposed and on full display!

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