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  Magnus vs. Surge*

Sexy muscle stud Surge

OTK backbreaker punishment

Look at that big bicep, chump!

Desperately trying to escape Magnus' crushing bearhug

Worshipping big muscles, Surge goes lower and lower... That's where you belong, BOY!

Shock and Awe

Determined not to be intimidated by his titanic opponent, sexy Surge steps in front of Magnus and proceeds to preen and display his own incredible physique. It's not hard to see why clients pay top dollar to be conquered by and forced to worship Surge's powerful body. Magnus, however, takes offense at his competition's effort to upstage him. He flings the physique star out of the way with contempt. Surge persists, repeatedly stepping in between Magnus and his mirror to compare their flexing muscles. Like swatting a fly, Magnus repeatedly shoves his competition out of the way.

Once Surge has had enough of Magnus' grandstanding, he punches him in those massive pecs and snarls, "You ready? Come on!" Magnus responds by planting his huge hands across Surge's massive and powerful pecs and then shoving him so hard that it nearly knocks the smaller muscle god completely off his feet. Crouching low and circling, Surge is coiled and ready to spring back. "Let's go, big man. I'm not afraid of you!" Which may be true or which may be macho bravado designed to motivate Magnus to muscle mayhem! Even under a mask, it's obvious Surge can't take his eyes off the man mountain!

The two muscle gods stalk one another with measured deliberation, testing each other's mettle from every angle. A test of strength displays both powerful physiques, flexing and grunting against one another. Inevitably, smaller Surge is driven down to his knees and then finally and dismissively flung to the mat, but he recovers quickly and takes advantage of Magnus, yet again preening for the mirror, by slapping a full nelson on the massive muscle man. It's a position that sexy Surge should enjoy while he can!

Magnus is a mountain, and Surge is determined to climb and conquer him. What Surge gives up in sheer size, he makes up for in fearless determination and persistence. Magnus muscles out of one hold after another, but Surge ferociously keeps coming back for more. The giant in the yellow mask tries to remain unfazed, but it doesn't take long for Surge to get under his skin and inside his head. Just like Surge is unaccustomed to not being the biggest muscle god in the room, Magnus is unfamiliar with encountering an opponent who fails to drop to his knees in submission at the mere sight of his behemoth muscles. Both titans quickly discover that their bag of tricks, which work so commandingly to strike awe in mere mortals, won't be sufficient in this battle of muscle gods.

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Worship 3: Masked Muscle*


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Magnus vs. Surge*
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Surge pins the big man: Boner to boner, eye to eye, full body muscle press

Hit me!:Double bicep worship

Catchweight stare down

Double grab! Throat vs balls

Humping humiliation: Magnus surges

Surge gazes at Magnus' huge pecs and bulging basket

Massive Magnus lifts the subservient Surge up into his mighty arms for a sexy bare butt bear hug

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