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  Cameron Matthews vs. Aryx Quinn

Cameron yanked by the hair

Cameron cornered and gut-bashed

Big bruising body slam

Choke! Aryx makes a point

Uh oh! More back pain! A Quinn specialty: The Aryx Rack!

Aryx arrives ripped and ready to destroy?only to be disgusted when he meets his opponent. THIS is who the Boss wants to him to wrestle? This?BOY? Eyeing him up and down, Aryx can hardly keep from laughing. ?Good thing I wore my thermal trunks to keep me warm, since I?m not going to even break a sweat beating your ass.? the Quinnster sneers, mocking young Cameron?s body and ability. Cameron is his usual polite self. A comparison of muscle follows, with typical Aryx boasting and put-downs. ?You can do laundry on my abs,? he grins, ?maybe someday you?ll have abs like mine, little boy.? Aryx? ego flips into hyperdrive?after all, he?s a hot STAR, so why is the Boss throwing him in the ring with someone who obviously doesn?t have a prayer vs the Mighty Quinn? This is a waste of his ability, a waste of his time, a waste of his STARDOM, for chrissakes!

But insult is about to be added to injury with the arrival of a ref at the ring! A REF? An official to disallow Aryx's tricks and treacheries? Oh, it is too much to bear! ?I?m the biggest star in this company!? he shouts. ?Why is the boss on my back?? And once the bell rings, Aryx?s frustrations continue to grow--the ref makes it clear he won't put up with any of Quinn?s shenanigans! A level playing ground? No fun for the sadistic stud! What is the boss up to? What the hell is going on?

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Cameron Matthews vs. Aryx Quinn
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Cameron agonizes in Quinn's tight and torturous 'Aryx Rack'

Aryx always has something to say

Aryx enjoys a head scissors

Cameron finally snaps!

Cameron's battered back

Cameron pounds the tough guy

The Mighty Quinn pauses to pump and preen and admire his reflection

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