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  Rob Berlin vs. Dieter

Berlin works a submission arm-bar

Liplock: Punishment turns passionate

Rob Berlin targets Dieter's nipple

Rob tries to pound his way out of a tight, humiliating head scissors

Dieter uses a body scissors to counter the effects of Rob Berlin's erotic blitzkrieg

"Goodbye to Berlin?"

Rob's thoughts of an easy and early win over his German foe are soon dashed. Dieter's stronger and better trained than when first they met, as he deftly counters Rob's best moves. And within moments, Dieter's dream of humiliating Rob is also gone - revenge never seems to work out the way it is supposed to! Neither is willing to submit to the other, stubbornly enduring some brutal muscle-ripping holds that would make anyone else scream. As the battle rages on, Rob admits to more respect for his foe than he previously had - and as the two studs trade submissions, it soon becomes apparent that something else besides wrestling is going on...

Adrenaline surges, grunts and groans grow louder, and both bodies become drenched in sweat as the match begins to reach epic proportions. The two studs put on an impressive display of mat combat - scissors, arm bars, nelsons and playful punches! Their trunks get tighter in the front as the fight seesaws back and forth, their bodies grinding together..and then the playful determination to win the match begins to give way to something else - a passion for wrestling becomes a passion for each other...

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Rob Berlin vs. Dieter
39 minutes

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Other Rob Berlin Matches

Mat Brats 2 Arena Galleries

Rob uses his upper torso weight to press Dieter deep into the mat for a tight cross-body pin

Liplock: A passionate resolution

Now that's a potentially powerful pin

Dieter goes for a jap stranglehold

Lean lightweight mat masters

Berlin goes for a sexy face smother

Dieter presses a tight side headlock

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