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  Shayn Layne vs. Nik Knox

Nik punished Shayn with an armbar

Setting up Nik for the kneedrop

Nik gasps and gags on the ropes

Chest press: Nik Knox knocked out?!

Shayn Layn basking in the afterglow of victory? Nik Knox splattered and sprawled on the mat?

Stoking the Fires of Rage

These guys will use every means at their disposal to kick the shit out of each other. The ropes aren't just ring enclosures. They are weapons. Shayn Layn has had it up to HERE with Nik's endless yammering. If the guy wants to bellyache, maybe a fist to the gut is just what he needs. But right when it looks like Layn has his man down for the count, Knox springs back, fueled with rage and resentment, practically barking and foaming at the mouth with rage at his ex-teammate. Ultimately, the ring ropes are not enough to hold these guys in, as they take the fight off the mat and to the hard arena floor.

These two are like a couple of fire-breathing bulls. By round two, the match becomes a series of highway wrecks, with the two all but knocked out cold on their backs on the mat. Then they get back up on their boots and dizzily start slugging it out all over again. This is Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots blown up to Monster Truck Rally proportions. Buy these two a couple of Godzilla suits and throw them on top of the scale model of Tokyo already!

Covered in sweat, the salty perspiration sliding off one chest and splashing on the other, Knox and Layn, all but complete mirrors of each other, collide with such force that the whole ring shudders on impact. Ordinary men could not endure the constant bombardment of flesh and bone. The resilience of these two ring gorillas is amazing, and your guess is as good as ours as to whether it's the years of training and conditioning or the poisonous bile inside these two guys that keeps them from flagging and toppling to the ground, a giant heap of testosterone, grit, and bone in the center of the ring.

But, amazingly, this match does NOT end in a draw. There is indeed a decisive (and delicious) victory and an ignominious defeat. Very satisfying, and mesmerizing to watch unfold. And the victor takes his time in savoring his conquest of the rival ring giant. In the absence of a ref, he drags out the ten count, making sure that the camera captures every nuance of his opponent's humiliating downfall, taking the time to gloat and relish his absolute domination over his former partner, hammering the final nail into the coffin of a partnership that lasted for years but had been slowly crumbling for the last several months. Talk about your closure. What a finish! This ending is a total termination. And this match is totally terrific - extraordinary action and exciting drama - and only from BG East!

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'n' Beefy 6


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Shayn Layne vs. Nik Knox
26 minutes

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Other Shayn Layne Matches

Other Nik Knox Matches

Big 'n' Beefy 6 Arena Galleries

Serious sleeperhold strategy

Nik punishes Shayn with a revenge headscissors and pounds on his back at the same time

Two big men slug it out

Nik suffers in a rear headlock

Over the knee backbreaker

Double claw holds on each other

Former tag partners in a rock 'em sock 'em evenly matched big 'n beefy battle fight to the finish

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