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  Jaxx O'Doul vs. J-Rock

Jaxx bawls as J-Rock batters

Jaxx howls in J-Rock's bearhug

Cocky rookie corners the veteran

Jaxx clotheslined off his feet

J-Rock bangs Jaxx O'Doul's back down across his knee and bounces and stretches him out there

Balls to the Wall

A test of strength starts the match. In seconds, J-Rock has Jaxx O'Doul on his knees, his pasty white skin flushing pink. Then it's time for some real damage, as the barefoot heel starts slamming the kid around like he's a 50-pound sack of potatoes. You have to ask just how big a raise this kid must have asked The Boss for - and how it will make other workers think twice before whining about the current cost of living! Not that even this much dusting off is having the desired effect on Jaxx, who comes back twice as cocky!

Given the big licking he's been getting, it's a surprise to hear Jaxx crowing like he's got the match sewn up. It doesn't take long before O'Doul makes a risky move, the kind of daredevil play that's got him into trouble in the past, but also just what's needed to save his ass right now. A patently illegal knee into J-Rock's balls gains the upper hand. From our seats, this is either great no-holds-barred strategy or... just asking for it. Capitalizing on his opponent's incapacitation, Jaxx locks the muscle dude in an abdominal stretch and starts pummeling the big stud man's midsection. Incredibly, the tables have turned.

It's rare that one gets to experience a turning point in a match that is as clear-cut as this one. Everything changes when Jaxx nails the big man's nads. From that point on, the brutality escalates until it's out of control. Having gone this far, Jaxx has no choice but to go balls to the wall. If he backs off or lightens up, he will give J-Rock the breather he needs to pounce on him and grind his brain into grease on the mat. Jaxx has never looked so fierce. But it's a ferocity fueled half by vaunting egoism and half by sheer panic.

What's hard to read here is what's going on in J-Rock's head. The man has never been a big one for letting his feelings show. Part of the menace he projects has always been the dispassionate manner in which he dispenses with an opponent. Right now his body is racked in pain. His grunts and groans fill the room. It's rare to see J-Rock in such a vulnerable position. He suffers beautifully, it must be said. But then something seems to flicker over the expression on his face, something cool and and calculating. It's almost as if he can channel the pain into rage and the rage into payback. And if he does regain the dominant position in this match, just what kind of hell breaks loose then? Two big bouncing bruisers in the spectacular main event finale to a very sexy Big 'n Beefy 6!

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'n' Beefy 6


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Jaxx O'Doul vs. J-Rock
31 minutes

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Big 'n' Beefy 6 Arena Galleries

Jaxx clamps on a double pec claw

Punishing the youngster's midsection

J-Rock drags Jaxx up to his feet

Big body-slamming perfection!

J-Rock tramples Jaxx's gut

Young Jaxx beaten and battered

J-Rock stretched out in Jaxx O'Doul's abdominal stretch/guillotine submission variation

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