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  Blaine Janus vs. CJ Parker

Groin ripper! Leg split pin

Feisty frisky gazebo grapplers

Legs above his head & mounted

Whimpering as Blane pulls back

CJ Parker puts Blaine in his place, physically and verbally as he cranks Blaine's crotch open wide

"With Glow-ing Hearts We See Thee Rise"

Losing the first fall puts fire in the belly of the Canadian. Quite a blow to the mouthy heel's ego to have to submit to the steady and quiet American, especially after Blaine initially took such easy command. But Janus springs back on the offense, shoving CJ's face to the mat, and applying an excruciating claw hold on the American's right pec. CJ's bright red face, grimacing in unbelievable pain, shows no trace of his former composure. Since CJ submitted him by bending him ass over head, Blaine shoots for every combination of the same humiliating hold to pay CJ back. Motivated by revenge, lust, and patriotism, Blaine Janus sets out to kick CJ Parker's ass, strip down those singlet straps to get a better look at his adversary's nut-brown torso, and, perhaps most important, force the Yank to say those words no real American ever wants to say: "Canada is the greatest."

The battle is evenly divided between the American and the Canadian all the way to the match's dramatic finish. Blaine commits every imaginable outrage against his CJ's physical wellbeing, chiefly by means of inhuman abuses to the man's inner thigh muscles (s-t-r-e-t-c-h) and systematic and repeated applications of the so-called Canada claws, each one raising reddish welts on CJ's smooth skin that seem never to fade. But don't tread on CJ Parker. The man may be soft-spoken and easygoing as a rule, but put him on a mat with a sadistic, domination-obsessed Canadian, and he will twist some balls, lampoon a national anthem, and basically grind your ass into the ground. As sexually charged as this match is, it becomes clear that there's no way this fight is going to resolve itself in a kiss and a cuddle. Too many lines get crossed too many times, and stiffening cocks aside, both men want nothing, absolutely nothing, more than to totally smash the other.

Parker and Janus bring equal experience to the mats - 3 BG East bouts each. They are close in age, height and weight, with similar lean, sensual physiques. But at heart they are like night and day, a hard distinction that has little to do with the fact that one comes from north of the 49th parallel and the other from the south. It's more a matter of temperament. Blaine is all intensity, and CJ is all discipline. Blaine gives lip, while CJ tersely bides his time, waiting for clear points of attack. Janus is aggressive, with a strong vein of sadism running through, while Parker is laid-back, capable of answering savagery with savagery, as circumstances require. Last, and key to what pits these wrestlers against each other with such vehemence, Blaine fights to shame, disable, and leave an indelible mark on his opponent, while CJ fights to bring the conflict to a close, defend himself and his sense of honor, and gain a clear and (if possible) clean victory in the end. For fans of evenly matched grapplers, approaching a fight with different philosophies, different temperaments, BG East provides this epic contest as evidence of the company's scrupulous attention to training, action, and the manly beauty of a hard, sexy scrap.

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Grapplers 12


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Blaine Janus vs. CJ Parker
33 minutes

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Taking his cure from Blaine: If you aren't cheating, you aren't trying! Crotch claw and leg split

Knee to the back adds more pain

Cocky Blaine stops to tie his shoe

Blaine struggles to stay conscious

Revenge pec claw on Blaine

Blaine makes a jobber of CJ

Cute CJ Parker suffering on the mat holding his pouch after some serious Canadian ball bashing

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