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  Rob Chandler vs. Ashley Ryder*

Packed pouches & sock worship

Folding tough boy Rob for a pin

Sexual tension & intensity runs high

Eyes lock as Ashley reaches back

Ashley cross-body presses Rob: Nude bodies collide & Rob gets a taste of his own trunks

The Sexy Sock Boy and The Sore Loser

Ashley Ryder, star of stage, screen, dance pole, and, in the last couple of years, wrestling mat, recently debuted at BG East in a playful and drolly titillating motel match against Vernando. So, back by popular demand, facing Rob Chandler this time, Ryder returns to the motel mattresses - and in time to model the latest London fashion in wrestling gear. He starts off in a white and black translucent mesh singlet that silkily clings to his pale taut body, barely concealing a black thong underneath. In skimpier (but more opaque), silver-sheen briefs, highlighting a codpiece of rhino proportions, Chandler has little difficulty dominating the puckish Ryder at first. But Ryder, like some flashlights, seems friction-charged, gaining energy and aggressiveness the longer he rubs up against hard, manly muscle and hot gear. In time - well, in no time flat - frisky sockboy Ashley starts calling the shots, persuading Chandler to play the game he introduced to BGE fans in his match versus Vernando: in which the competitors try to snatch off each other's socks.

It's a cute enough game - boyishly innocent sock-play - and experienced Ashley easily wins both rounds, and though Rob plays along, he clearly wants to get into more than just Ashley's socks! He dives at Ryder, turned on by the young man's spritely and seductive charm and anxious to teach him what "real wrestling" BG East London-style is all about. Some unnecessary roughness leads Ashley to call Rob a "sore loser" - though from the way things look where we are sitting, "soreness" may be less an issue than blue balls.

When Rob snags Ashley in a bodyscissors, he fondles the pert pretty boy's junk while his face is drawn up close to Ashley's leering face - like two young lovers on a Hollywood poster. Chandler can't wipe the smile off his face, riding Ryder between his strong thighs. The instantly likeable lad with curly hair pants after so much exertion and purrs, "Do you want to fight to the end?" Not having to be asked twice, Rob straddles Ashley's chest, pressing his opponent's wrists to the mattress in a bully boy pin. His semi-firm cock, newly liberated from Rob's snap-pouch codpiece, angles over Ryder's lower lip, and Ryder asks, coyly, all innocence, "So what happens when I lose?"

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Rob Chandler vs. Ashley Ryder*
38 minutes

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Ashley bound by his own socks

Rob Chandler talks trash as he decides the fate of his sock tied, helpless opponent

Ashley Ryder - 5'7, 148 lbs

Spanking hard muscled UK booty

Double leg lift on 5'5, 155 lbs Rob

See through singlets & junk claw

Face to face, man to man: Rob Chandler taunts Ashley as he applies more pressure to a pouch grab

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