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  Blaine Janus vs. Rafael Valmor

The monkey on his back

Leg spread double grapevine pin

Blaine back bending boston variation

Blaine taunts and teases the newbie

Blaine's rib crushing reverse bearhug has sexy rookie Rafael Valmor bulging big and howling hard

"You Know You Like It!"

As the match grows sweatier, Blaine cannot resist Rafael's chest. He claws the rookie's lightly hairy pecs relentlessly and teases and pinches his nipples repeatedly. Rafael exacts revenge with nipple torture of his own, followed by a wedgie that leaves Blaine gasping in surprise. Each time the lean smokingly sexy rookie manages to control his opponent in another hold, he hovers over his opponent's face, his lips lingering a fraction of an inch away, mesmerizing Blaine with the promise of a kiss before shoving him away again.

Blaine keeps charging back for another shot at the taste of those sweet lips until Rafael finally slams him to his back and sits his beautiful ass squarely across Blaine's face. "Kiss THAT! You like that, boy?! You know you like it!" The rookie grinds his hips forward and backward, burying Blaine's face deep. He pinches the Canadian's nipples and strokes the palm of his hands slowly up and down Blaine's pale torso. Blaine's grunts of protest are indistinguishable from the sounds of sexual intimacy, as he vacillates between muttering "yes!" and "no!" Folding Blaine's legs and toying with his vulnerable ass, Rafael beams with joy as he controls the veteran. It's hard to make out the words with his mouth buried so deep up his opponent's ass, but Blaine finally gasps, "Okay, I submit!"

As the sweaty rookie pins his opponent in victory, Blaine starts to massage Rafael's beautifully bulbous butt. The rookie slowly sits back and begins to stroke the Canadian's inner thighs. Tugging at the top of Blaine's red and white underwear, Rafael predicts, "These are going to come off you, boy!" In response, Blaine snaps his legs around his opponent's waist, squeezing the air out of his lungs and shoving the rookie's face into the mat. With the score now even, the battle between these hot, horny and stunningly contrasting young men only gets hotter and hornier. Blaine cannot keep his hands off of Rafael's ass, and the rookie continues to drive him wild with his taunting, tempting lips.

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Blaine Janus vs. Rafael Valmor
38 minutes

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Head to head: Rafael welcomes Blaine's sexy challenge

Leg splitting double bulge exposing reverse folding press pin

Face-pin reverse school boy

Nipple twists: Pain or pleasure?

Blaine's slow fade in Rafael's grip

Sexy and playfull post-pin intimacy

Up against the wall, punk!--Rafael works a tight, intimate and very sensual bearhug on Blaine

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