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  Austin Cooper vs. Darius

Austin Cooper - 5'9, 175 lbs

Austin bracing his wrist with one hand while digging his claw deep into Darius' ripped abdominals

Wide-eyed, Coop struggles with every single muscle fiber in Darius' deadly Full Nelson

The muscle stud is forced to flex his impressive biceps as Coop spreads him wide in a Banana Split

Darius struggles to hold on as Coop desperately tries to reverse a potentially match-ending bearhug

Barefootin' in the Gazebo

Darius and Austin Cooper have warily eyed each other for more than two years. Coop and Darius look like they were created to tangle: equal in height, equal in bulk, equal in vanity, and nearly equal in ubiquity too! Hell, if you follow gay wrestling at all, private or professional, you could not help but be acquainted with both these fighters. The two fan favorites have been on a collision course, never more so than in the past year. They themselves have noticed their physical affinity. BG East has noticed too. Other BGE wrestlers have practically formed a Greek chorus, egging the two fighters on, anxious to see them test themselves against each other, mano-a-mano. They tell Coop that he will never match Darius for pure muscle definition. They tell Darius that he can never hope to equal Coop's impressive tally of pinfalls and submissions achieved. The BGE boys have made it their mission to stoke a rivalry between the two. And boy oh boy, it worked!

Darius and Austin intrigued each other from the get-go. In the beginning, they spoke glowingly and respectfully of their admiration and awe for the other as an athlete and a professional. But as time passed, the mutual regard faded. Cooper became aware of Darius' towering stacks of fan mail requesting private matches and posed photos of the popular bodybuilder. Darius started noticing how many of the matches he had put a bid on were ultimately granted to Austin. We began to notice that every time Darius' name was mentioned around him, Coop would bristle a little. Once, not long ago, Darius entered the BGE rec room to find some of the other guys watching a DVD of Austin demolishing Patrick Donovan. Darius turned and walked away, one grunt saying more than a hundred words.

So it was no surprise when both wrestlers snapped up the opportunity to grapple against each other in a muscle-centric forced-to-flex match in the infamous BGE gazebo. In the days and hours preceding the bout, Coop boasted that Darius was going to be his "next bitch." Darius told everybody that it might be time for somebody to "retire" Austin Cooper, clearly implying that he was just the man for the job. On the day of the shoot, both men arrived pumped up and in the best physical condition of their lives. They stripped down to flashy trunks, and their bodies glowed with health, power, and an itch to dominate. The groundwork was set for a big, bad-ass fight, and Austin and Darius did not disappoint!

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Austin Cooper vs. Darius
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Coop looking every bit the Roman god immobilizes Darius with a bow & arrow single boston combo

The gates close around Darius' midsection, quads grinding and crushing the stud's abs

Darius - 5'9, 190 lbs

Darius' washboard abs flexed to the max to withstand Austin's full-on, jackhammer assault

The only escape from this nasty leglock is a humbling, helpless muscle display

Beautiful domination! Darius stretched out high and hard, drawn and quartered in Austin's rack

Darius big bulge dangles tantalizingly as Austin cranks back, seeking a submission from the stud

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