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  Patrick Donovan vs. Vinny Trevino

Patrick Donovan

Abdominal stretch

Ab abuse

Vinny tries to crush the life out of poor Patrick

Digging for oil!

Big Belly-Bustin' Battering

Patrick might have surveyed the new BGE terrain before coyly showing off his abs to the tough young Italo-stud. Patrick was just setting those abs up for punishment - but maybe that was his intent. Vinny drills his thick boxer's fist deep down, claws, ax-hammers, butt-drops, knees, elbows, stomps and squeezes Patrick's bread-basket in both front and rear bearhugs. An abdominal stretch exposes that area for further abuse. Later he gets rope-bound on the outside apron. Vinny nails that beaten belly with every foreign object within reach-including boxing gloves and a boot. He pauses to sip a drink, spits a mouthful onto Patrick, then professing to be "compassionate" rubs an ice-cube over Pat's chest, pulls open his waistband and plops the ice cube down his trunks! Pinning Pat flat to the mat, Vinny kisses his big beautiful biceps. He puts on his black leather jacket and begins to leave. Thinking better of it, he returns with a drawing pen. "What was your name?" he asks. "Pussy?" Marking Patrick's upper lip, he derides, "Well now it's Giuseppe. I did you a favor. Now you won't have to wait til puberty to grow facial hair'" Oh my!

VINNY TREVINO - 5'9" 210 lbs
PATRICK DONOVAN - 6'1 180 lbs.

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Patrick Donovan vs. Vinny Trevino
32 minutes

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Check out those abs!

Patrick tied up and ready for pain

Vinny Trevino

A big stomp

Tied up and beaten

Vinny drops Patrick over his knee

Patrick done!

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