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  Cameron Matthews vs. Brad Barnes

Bodybuilder Brad Barnes - 5'8, 200

Cameron shows off his "assets" to an unimpressed challenger

Cameron drives his humpy competitor's skull into the mat with an arching piledriver

Cam claws viciously at Barnes' crotch whilst working a single-leg boston crab

Cameron revels in the slab of beef that's been thrown to him today with an ab-and-ball-claw combo

The babyface-turned-bad tramples the bodybuilder's crotch with disdain

Answered Prayers

Near the halfway point of this strenuous and suspenseful battle against strongman Brad Barnes, Cameron Matthews declares, his voice quivering with evangelistic fervor, "When I woke up this fine morning, and I saw that BG East Wrestling gave me that call, I said, 'God! God! Please! Please, I'm begging you, Lord, give me a heavenly hunk to bash!'"

This is Cameron Matthews like we have never seen him! Starting out in pro wrestling while he was a teen, Cameron established himself as a brand-name babyface, as tough as he is good looking, the name on every wrestler's and wrestling fan's lips. But the scope of his ambition cannot be measured or contained, and as he has proved time and again, he will do anything, anything , to push himself further and raise himself a few rungs higher.

Having already proclaimed: "Someone's gonna get run over tonight," he is in high spirits as he welcomes Brad into the ring. And a Cameron in high spirits is a wildly unpredictable thing! He suggests that he and his soon-to-be opponent help each other warm up for the match. He regales the bodybuilder with the chummy small talk of a small-town barber, asking Brad about his diet and his plans for the weekend. His friendliness is deceptive, of course, full of thinly-disguised barbs. Brad looks distrustful, but far from distrustful enough.

Cam takes a good five minutes to warm the guy up, as they stretch each other's limbs, his aggression evident in the rough-handling he gives the muscle hunk under the name of "limbering up." In time, he tricks Brad into stepping right into an inverted facelock, Brad's face buried in Cameron's armpit, as the boyish-looking heel yanks him backwards against the turnbuckle and delivers a stiff forearm smash to the chest.

Cameron assaults Brad from every direction, seemingly at the same time, mainly targeting the man's luscious (there's just no other word) pecs. "Did that hurt?" Cam asks with phony concern, his lips right up on Brad's ear. It's almost as if Cameron is mocking his old babyface image. "Let me help," he offers, but Brad is increasingly distrustful ... understandably. Cameron delivers a vicious and uncalled-for low-blow. When Brad cries "give," Cameron pulls back. "Hey, you know what," he says, "let's have a fair match. Let's restart, shall we. We'll lock up. We'll shake hands. We'll play this out just like the gentlemen we are."

However, despite an incautious start, Brad is not the pushover Cameron evidently takes him for. A line has been crossed that can't be uncrossed. Brad skips the gentlemanly handshake for a big bad bearhug, one that's certain to be a benchmark for all future bearhugs. Cameron writhes, helpless in throes of agony. He tries to push Brad's head back but fails to free himself. Brad transitions to a single-leg boston. Furiously, Cam calls Brad a "bitch" and gets paid back with an unrestrained boot-stomping. Cameron rebounds but immediately finds himself hiked back up in muscle man Brad's brutal bear hug.

Bodybuilder Beatdown 2 shows off new facets in two hugely popular BG East wrestlers. Brad displays a previously unseen capacity for rage and mayhem, and Cameron, a penchant for treachery. It's a brutal give-and-take match of highest order, with Cameron's years of experience closely-pitted against Brad's harrowing muscle. The range of wrestling holds on tap is breathtaking. We suspect half these holds don't even have names yet. And the endless assaults on balls, nostrils, pecs, and vertebrae are anything but gentlemanly!

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Beatdown 2


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Cameron Matthews vs. Brad Barnes
33 minutes

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Cam zeroes in on the bodybuilder's bulge with a boot as he shreds the chest with a double pec claw

With the tenacity of a pitbull, Cameron tears into a desperately struggling Barnes' crotch

The bodybuilder rises perilously to the tips of his boots, trapped in a surfboard

The bodybuilder hoists the babyface high across his shoulders for a torture rack

Cameron, trunks wedged up that award-winning ass, checks his wasted opponent

Cameron's streak of sadism runs deep as he rips Barnes' crotch torturously wide

Cameron Matthews - 5'11, 160

A helpless Brad finds himself trapped in a standing figure-four headscissors

The heel gets a taste of his own medicine as Brad turns him over with a full boston crab

Brad's powerful bearhug drains the fight from his babyfaced heel opponent as he tries to escape

Does Brad have anything left? Cameron checks with a snap of the trunks

A victorious Cameron schoolboys the bodybuilder with a celebratory double-bicep flex

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