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  Cody Blayde vs. Ethan Axel Andrews

Cody Blayde: 6', 185 lbs

Blayde drops to a knee and fights back desperately against Axel's rear naked choke

Blayde rolls Axel up in a spladle pin to count the cocky wrestler out of contention

Trapped and arched back in the ropes, Blayde is helpless to Axel's suspended headscissors

Axel digs deep into his heel bag of tricks, trampling Cody's rainbow locks as he pulls him up

Axel lifts and carries his opponent up and over in the air for a ring-shaking slam

Hair War

If Cody Blade and Ethan Andrews weren't standing in a ring, I would have guessed both were auditioning to be part of an up and coming punk band. Cody sports multi-colored hair and multiple tattoos and Ethan shows up with an edgy faux hawk, and they both have some of that rebellious attitude to pull it off. Looking at them side by side, you would think they could be a great tag team. Lean and mean, both wearing small bulging trunks with color-matching kneepads, they could be a lethal duo if they ever decided to appear in a future chapter of Tag Team Torture. But today, they are not here for that. They are here to rip each other apart.

After a flashy entrance, Cody loudly runs his mouth: "How much did your mom have to spit in your hair to make it stiff like that?" Ethan, who is never at a loss for words, explains he had Cody's mom finish the job. Burn! Sensing Ethan might be just a bit more proficient in the trash talk department, Cody redirects the attention to how much better his hair is. Granted, the 'Jolly-Rancher'-inspired style suits him well, but Ethan will not let his style be eclipsed in the mirror by a relative newcomer. And much less so will he lose against him. Push and shoving lead to the inevitable, and it's Cody's head full of hair the one to end up in a tight headlock.

Things seem going well for Ethan for the first few moments, but Cody's explosive athleticism and impressive control quickly change the tune. Andrews is sent to a corner with a dropkick and is then stunned with a sharp elbow to his face. Primed with an Irish whip, Ethan then finds himself flying upside down through the air after a monkey flip. "You see that? When you are good like me, you can do things like that!" Cody's ego is soaring high, and perhaps he doesn't know what Ethan is capable of. A fistful of that fruit-punch hair is enough to send Cody flying, turning the tides and starting a furious back and forth that will push both of them to the limit.

At one point, Ethan threatens to rip his foe's hair by standing over it while pulling Cody's body up in the air! It feels like the closest point to a submission so far, but the young pro surprises Ethan (and everyone) by grabbing a fistful of Andrews' junk! After all, if Cody's bright hair is a liability, so will be Ethan's enormous bulge. A reverse gutwrench throw leaves Ethan weakened enough for Cody to set up a nasty electric chair submission. The hold by itself could easily rip Andrews crotch apart but when the underground wrestling legend refuses to give up, Cody surprises us once again by pulling Ethan's trunks as high as he can reach! Adding a new level of humiliation, Blayde increases the hold intensity by a tenfold each second that goes by. There's just no way out and Ethan is forced to submit, only to face another humiliation as Blayde gives him a hard slap right in that delicious exposed ass!

But what Cody just did was to fuel the fire inside his opponent. If he thinks anything he did was going to keep Ethan down, he is dead wrong. Ethan picks up Blayde and lets him fall right into his knee, crushing the nuts of his exuberant enemy. He quickly moves in and clamps a figure-4, and just like it happened moments ago, when Cody refused to give up, Ethan just cranked the hold even tighter now with the help of the ropes. Blayde finds himself now in the same spot Andrews was in moments ago, but despite Cody's frantic taping, Ethan won't let go until he has seen just enough desperation in Cody's watering eyes.

With the match tied to one submission a piece, it is now once again anyone's game. Cody's knee suffered enough to become a prime target, but his savviness is more than enough to give him a fighting chance. Ethan is aware of this and knows he will need to proceed cautiously if he plans to get the win. Hair pulling, amazing 69-headscissors, and even more brutality will follow until the match reaches fever pitch. All the explosive and exhilarating action has only one way to end: with someone flat on their back with the winner fixing his hair over their prostrate opponent. This opener is a surefire pro hit full of these hot wrestlers' best work, worthy of watching again and again!

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Cody Blayde vs. Ethan Axel Andrews
29 minutes

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Everything gets complicated in the ropes as Blayde and Axel engage in a mutual headscissors

With his trunks wedged up his ass, Axel finds his legs wrapped up and trapped against Blayde

Blayde is laid out and helpless, pinned as Axel primps and preens atop his helpless bod

Using the ropes to his advantage, Axel bears down with his weight with a knee-to-throat choke

Cody flops and writhes helplessly as Axel presses his strength with a crippling figure-four leglock

Axel uses Blayde's wiry strength against him in a cobra clutch variation to bring him down

Ethan Axel Andrews: 6', 155 lbs

Axel fights back against Blayde's shoulder lock submission hold in a bid to break free

Fighting back from the bottom, Blayde seizes control with a vicious claw to Axel's balls

Blayde is locked up tightly in the cobra clutch variation, struggling to stay awake and aware

Axel grits his teeth and puts all his strength into getting a submission against Blayde

Blayde finds himself outmatched and wasted against his smaller opponent: Axel

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