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  Ethan Axel Andrews vs. Ty Alexander*

Axel writhes desperately as his face is ground into the glutes of the award-winning ass

Ty tries to use his significant muscle advantage to power out of the crushing chinlock

Axel has complete control, diving deep into his opponent's trunks while working a headscissors

Both men claim victory in this sexy showdown, holding each other's pilfered gear aloft

Axel is completely locked down, unable to fight back as he's smothered with his sweat-soaked gear

A Long Time Coming: Stripped for Battle!

Best Mat Battle 2021
The rivalry between Ty Alexander and Ethan Axel Andrews has been simmering for so long, it's a little shocking to realize that they haven't actually wrestled each other yet. The feud started on social media, where both rising stars have amassed armies of fans. Ty declared victory as a result of maintaining more social media followers than Ethan. "I'm definitely the more popular," Ty proclaims in Ethan's face. "And better looking. And more talented. And more charismatic. And I take better photos." Ethan counters that he's too busy honing his craft as a wrestling phenom. "If I considered it my job to post selfies every four minutes of every day," Ethan argues back, "I'd have a lot more followers, too!"

After years of online trolling and fan wars, the tension is thick when Ty and Ethan finally step onto the mat. Ty is in full beefcake mode, thickly muscled and sporting a sinister goatee. He has a decisive size advantage over Ethan, who is, nonetheless, phenomenally fit and in fighting trim. "You were cuter as a skinny jobber," Ethan levels a withering attack on Ty's most sensitive vulnerability: his vanity. "I'm so going to have fun whooping your ass right now," Ty snarls back.

The pace is frenzied, but the offense is studied and precise. Anything one of these young hunks can do, his opponent is determined to do it right back, but better. Ty threatens to rip Ethan's arm off at the elbow with a viscous armbar. Moments later, Ethan gains the advantage and locks down an armbar of his own, sitting on Ty's face for added humiliation. They both snap on simultaneous headscissors, cranking on the punishment to see who does the hold better. It's Ethan who successfully pops his head free and doubles down on crushing Ty's skull between his whipcord quads. But Ty uses all of that luxurious beef to muscle his way to his feet, with Ethan still locked tight around his head, before pounding his rival viciously to the mat to put them both back to neutral. When they simultaneously manage to rip each other's gear off, they both follow the same impulse to instantly start choking each other with their sweat soaked trunks. Move and counter move, they are astonishingly evenly matched in skill, tenacity, and viciousness.

There's no love lost in the way that they sink their claws into one another. Ty tries to rip Ethan's balls off. Ethan responds in kind, shoving his hand into his opponent's pouch and twisting savagely until the Trophy Boy screams. They studiously keep counting their mounting submission tallies, determined to settle the question of who's top dog, once and for all. The Trophy Boy squeezes a weeping submission out of Ethan with an over-the-knee backbreaker and ball claw combination. However, moments later, Ethan pulls back even by tying Ty's wrists behind his back and smothering him in face-to-crotch headscissors until the vainglorious villain chokes out a humiliated submission of his own.

So singularly focused on destroying one another, the two rivals rip each other's gear off and keep grappling naked, without a pause. Soaked in sweat, their holds are harder to hang onto. Sucking down oxygen at the edge of utter exhaustion, they battle nude fueled by nothing but ego and spite for nearly half this long ordeal. Finally, bitterly, one fan favorite perseveres, even as his rival runs out of gas. With the writing on the wall, the decisive winner victoriously mounts his opponent's ass and licks the sweat off of him. Underneath the bitter rivalry and withering insults, all along, it wasn't just spite and jealousy fueling this feud. It was one player recognizing another, one incredibly accomplished erotic warrior seeing his own passionate lust staring enticingly back at him. Their respective fans will probably debate the significance of this clash of titans for years to come, but there's one, undebatable fact at the end of this Sexy Showdown. There's nothing sexier than two incredibly accomplished wrestlers, with hot bodies and oversized egos, blurring the lines between competition and erotic passion.

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Showdown 12*


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Ethan Axel Andrews vs. Ty Alexander*
34 minutes

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Axel is bent and stretched out by his foe in a ball-clawing over the knee backbreaker

Ty is determined to break and humiliate his opponent with an ass-to-face, reverse figure four

On a gear-littered mat, a sweaty, nude Axel climbs on top with the patented kiss-of-death sleeper

A desperate Axel tries to push off as his gear is peeled down by his ball-clawing foe

Ty celebrates his show of dominance as his thick thighs clamp down in a headscissors

Neither nude stud will admit defeat, locked together in a bearhugging 69 headscissors

Trapped in a roll-up pin, Ty is helpless to stop his opponent as he's stripped of his prized gear

Axel is in full fight-or-flight mode with a side headlock as the beefcake claws his bulge

The Trophy Boy tears off Axel's gear, leaving his fellow combatant completely nude

Ty's screams of pain can be heard for miles as Axel claws his crotch viciously

Ty is brought down to his knees in defeat, forced to worship his rival's baseball-sized biceps

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