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  Rocky Sparks vs. Mason Brooks*

Rocky Sparks: 5'9, 155 lbs

With his perfect ass planted in his opponent's face, Mason admires his bulge with a seductive stroke

Mason crouches low to intensify the pressure of the back-bending, high-arching inverted headlock

Mason's meaty muscles bear down on his lean, lithe opponent, bare-assed in a headscissors

Mason expects nothing but worship as he drags Rocky's face up into his sweaty, musky bulge

Rocky forced to endure a long night of humiliation as he's stripped and strangled with his own gear

Arrogant, Morally Suspect, and Seductively Chill

Mason Brooks is a master of casual snubs. Too busy with his cell to get his opponent's name right, an opponent who has been on the BGE roster for a couple of years, Mason calls him "Sparky." He's condescending, checking his "lesson plan" before the match and assuming that Rocky Sparks is in need of an "attitude adjustment." He fiddles with his backpack, an old theater trick for upstaging one's costar. He's literally "upstage" of Rocky, who's closer to the camera and must face away from the camera to look Mason in the eyes. "Shall we get down to business here?" Mason asks, glossing over the fact that it is he who has been stalling for time.

Brooks slips off his outdoor shorts, preparing to slip on wrestling briefs. He offers Rocky the opportunity to forget about the scheduled match. "I'll tell everybody you put up a good fight," he promises and pulls in a little closer to Sparks while jiggling his cock, adding, "And you just get down on your knees and pay your respects right now." Sparks is amused, but he ignores the offer, so the match begins, a little late, but hotshots like Mason care nothing for schedules. They lock up. Rocky springs lightly and feistily, attempting to catch Mason off-guard. Mason pulls him in, locking the blond's head under his arm, clenching tightly. In seconds, he has Sparks flat on his back.

Brooks's impudent and lackadaisical mat style is designed both to amuse his fans and to distract his prey. He transitions to a head-scissors hold. Rocky writhes, trapped. Brooks rubs the palm of his hand up and down Rocky's chiseled torso. The fondling quickly changes to audible punches to the abs. Brooks shifts position, parking his ass on Rocky's face as he plucks the guy's nipples. The contrasts between these two piping hot competitors are important to consider. Rocky is the more energetic, eager to brawl. His sculpted cheekbones and confident jawline define him as serious but cool and classically handsome. He's almost birdlike, especially when up against a meaty adversary like Mason. Mason's muscles are heavy, pecs and abs curving down under their own weight. His muscle mass easily sandbags Sparks's agile physique. From the start, Rocky seems destined to be crushed.

We can think of few wrestlers as sexy as Mason Brooks. His exaggerated self-confidence makes the average Joe want either to punch him in the nose or to fall into his arms. Mason's smooth body covers Rocky, pressing him to the mat like a stamp. Rocky is completely immobilized, helpless, smothered. Mason pulls himself into a seated position on Rocky's hairy chest. He pulls Rocky's face to the bulge in his skimpy orange trunks, thrusting rapidly, but seeming bored with it all, fulfilling his image as the aloof egomaniac.

Rocky has brief spasms of retaliation that are quickly quelled by Mason's advanced skill set and weight advantage. Once Mason has him literally by the cock and balls, Rocky is torn between agony and arousal. As the match draws to an end, Mason plays cat and mouse with him, humiliating him by smothering him with discarded gear, sweaty and piquant to the nostrils. For a few years now, Mason has proved himself by turns seductive and injurious. This is a defining match for both competitors. You do not want to miss this one.

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Rocky Sparks vs. Mason Brooks*
32 minutes

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Trapped in a nipple-twisting half nelson, Ricky breathes in Mason's musk with a heel to his cock

Trapped in a skull-crushing triangle headscissors, Mason's mouth may have sealed his own fate

Rocky is reaching the point of no return, forced to tap or pass out in a leglocking rear naked choke

Mason comfortably in control, bearing down and working his victim in an inverted headlock

Rocky slaps the mat in submission as a grinning Mason ties and toys with his lean body

Rocky clutches at nude Mason's magic pecs, begging for mercy as he's choked with his gear

Mason Brooks: 5'9, 150 lbs

Mason gives "Sparky" one last chance to back out of his all but guaranteed humiliation

An abstretch sets Rocky's ripped physique on gorgeous display with his arm yanked between his legs

A masterful exercise in seduction, a facesitting Mason slaps on a crotch claw

Rocky bites back a cry of agony as his body is bent, barred, and stretched in a backbreaking hold

Rocky is where so many men long to be, face smothered in Mason's sweat-soaked package

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