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  Chase Addams vs. Dante Lesen

Chase Addams: 6', 170 lbs

His own gear used against him, Dante's straps are peeled, his pecs exposed to punishment

Broken, drained, and rolled up, Dante's beautiful bubble butt bobbles in the air in a spladle

Dante's defined body dangles above the mat in Chase's patented suspended submission hold

Dante's long, lean legs get bent to Chase's whims with a joint-wrecking figure four leglock

Delighting in the prettyboy's cries of submission, Chase wrenches Dante's arms up

Tell Me That Hurts! Sing for me!

The hot, tall, lean rookie Dante Lesen is the first to admit that he's new to the world of homoerotic wrestling. His rookie wrecking debut at the hands of one of the most notorious heels in underground wrestling tested the doe-eyed pretty boy's limits, wringing his long, hard body out and punishing him until young Dante screamed in submission (Rookie Wreckers 3 vs Masked Menace). Far from discouraging him, though, Dante seemed delighted by the extremes of pain and terror. He was ready for more, and agreed to Chace Addam's plan to dress up together for a 'Theme Party'. "Absolutely anything goes," he said. The rougher, the raunchier, the better, this budding punishment sponge insisted.

Heel terror and technical wrestler extraordinaire, Chase Addams licked his lips at the phrase "anything goes" and jumped at the chance to 'audition' the rookie. Chase has been exploring his own creative erotic edges lately. He has never failed to impress, and terrify, when it comes to joint injuring and gravity defying submission holds. The longer he has plied his trade in the BG East ring, however, the more sadistic and kinky the wrestling savant has grown. To beat his opponent is only part of the fun for Chase these days. His passionate desire is to strike fear, to control, and to possess another man, body and soul. "Just tell the rookie that the theme is Folsom," Chase insisted. "I'm going to teach the boy not just to submit, but to be submissive!"

When they arrive in the ring, Chase is none too pleased with the rookie's attempt to dress the part. Dante is understandably admiring his hot body reflected in the mirror. His lean muscles and washboard abs are beautifully displayed in his sensationally tight red singlet. However, when Chase gets a look at his opponent, he's furious. "What is this?! Did you not get the memo? The category was Folsom!" For his part, Chase has tapped deep into his erotic fantasies, sporting a harness, lace panties, and a leather fringe gladiator belt, and carrying a cat-o'-nine tails.

"I know you've been working on your wrestling," Chase lectures his erotic apprentice. "I've seen you running around with the boys, testing your abilities, getting a little better. So, you're going to show me what you've got. And then, if you impress me, we can go to the Folsom party."

Dante is eager to please, to say the least, and nothing pleases Chase more than slapping his opponent from corner to corner. The singlet gets in the way, so the snarling heel yanks the straps down to have a clear shot to deliver a barrage of chest chops. Dante' lean pecs have layers upon layers of bright red hand prints welting across his torso. But the lanky rookie is a quick study, and he reverses with stunning confidence, chopping away at his opponent's perky pecs in reply. "You've got moves," Chase admits, nursing his bruises and backing away. "Show me more!"

Chase peels the rookie apart, layer by layer. The singlet comes off, and then the sexy mesh undergear, until Dante's sensational ass is bared and squarely in his opponent's sights, framed beautifully in a jock strap. The fiercely game young rookie has every sensational inch of his impressive body ripped, stripped, and whipped dark red and throbbing. Chase wrenches Dante's incredibly long legs open wide in a humiliating spladle, slapping and clawing at the rookie's ass like testing the produce to ensure perfect ripeness. Trapped in the corners, tied in the ropes, Dante's face is pounded relentlessly by his opponent's eager crotch and sensationally sexy bubble butt. "You gave up, sure," Chase snarls. "But I don't think you've really learned to submit yet." Beaten and brutalized, Dante learns to obey, crawling on his hands and knees and dancing on the knife's edge of pleading for mercy and begging for more. By the time all the lessons are learned, Dante is a lot wiser in the ways of erotic domination, and a whole lot redder. It's a whole lot of 'party' already!

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1: Folsom Street


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Chase Addams vs. Dante Lesen
33 minutes

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Cosplay 1: Folsom Street Arena Galleries

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A seated double-arm jap strangle from a grinning Chase has the boytoy fading into oblivion

Dante braces for impact as his legs are ripped out from under him by a rampaging Chase

Stretched out in the ropes, a rope-bound Dante is forced to watch as the heel messes up his face

Flailing helplessly, Dante struggles to survive as his dom's quads scissor his skull

Dante has finally had enough of the cocky heel's shit as he stands up for himself

Chase starts to turn up the kink dial to eleven, chewing the jock of his bound boy

Dante Lesen: 6'3, 180 lbs

Chase is furious at the sexy rookie's choice of gear as he gives him a verbal lashing

With a fluorish, Chase strips the fear from his bigger opponent as he gets down to business

Crucified in the ropes, forced to watch his own discipline, Dante gets lashed with a cat-o-nine tail

Chase backs his mouthwatering red-laced booty back into the face of his cornered twink

Chase demands complete and utter submission from his boys...and he'll take it by force

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