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  Brad Rochelle vs. Aryx Quinn


Blocking Brad's exit

Tossed into the ring

Aryx reigns supreme

Executive Privilege...

The Contract 2 (aka 'That #$#% Contract') was nasty, but what if we said it was only the first half of a day long ordeal? The action resumes where the last tape ended, beautiful Brad still reeling from his multi-KO Jaxx jacking. Enter Aryx! "Had a bad day?" he taunts. "It's about to get worse." The Boss insists that Aryx needs a punching bag on which to hone his growing talents. Before worn-out Brad can beg off, Aryx reminds him that he's already signed his body away to fill the needs of any BGE executive with 20 bucks to burn! Tossing Brad a jobberifically degrading new outfit, Aryx orders, "Meet me in the ring." Fair may not be a word Aryx knows, but a sneak attack outside the ring is simply wrong! Boots to the body hit hard enough to lift Brad off the mat. Mounted gut punches are so rough Brad begins to hit back. "Ah, ah... contractual obligations," Aryx sings, ordering Brad spread-eagled for gut stomps and full bodyweight Banzai butt drops. Pulling Brad's face into his crotch for a fig-4 headlock, Aryx pants, "The best 20 I ever spent!" Thirty minutes of escalating abuse with Aryx stopping only to check his Kid Leopard-created list of instructions, Aryx decides to improvise...

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$#@! Contract 3

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Brad Rochelle vs. Aryx Quinn
56 minutes

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Aryx on top


Aryx drops a $20

Big gut stomp

Aryx presses a point

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