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  Josh Avery vs. Bob Doran vs. Eric Ford

Three buddies

Bob Doran

One down & one to go

Triple headlocked

Three buddies come in from football scrimage, strip to tight football shorts to show each other some wrestling moves. It's all conviviality as they horse around flexing, posing & 'ragging' on each other. All 3 are very appealing & have lively personalities. Josh is especially ebullient. He loves posing in the mirror. Bobby has a rugged Irish lad look. Eric is the youngest & smallest of the 3 but more than keeps up with his muscular buddies. Bobby shows Josh a backslide. Eric's chickenwing/crossface is a bit too enthusiastic. Bobby shouts 'Man, take it easy, you'll tear my friggin head off!' It's now a submission endurance challenge.The action gets increasingly intense as competitiveness emerges. Bobby calls Josh a know-it-all then stretches Eric a little longer than necessary, gruffly dumping him to the mat. When Josh protests, Bobby says 'he was being a little crying bitch'. Josh then reverses an abdominal stretch on Bobby and pours it on full force. Bobby says 'that was uncalled for' then works a mean figure 4 leglock until Eric is screaming. He shows Josh a variation. When Bobby refuses to release the figure 4 Josh rolls for a reversal and Eric joins in the fray, first headscissoring then camel-clutching Bobby, his legs now trapped in his own reversed figure 4 leglock. The action takes a sudden and very dramatic turn as Bobby seeks revenge. Suddenly the submissions are no longer gradually intensified but applied full force with conviction. Josh, wearing earguards, schoolboy-pins Bobby. When Eric joins in Bobby's humiliation, Josh turns on Eric. Surprising twists & turns, alliances & betrayals, egos bruised & battered as all 3 end up on the mat entwined together. It's now the wrestling equivalent of musical chairs until only one guy is standing. 'You're both my bitches'

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Josh Avery vs. Bob Doran vs. Eric Ford
33 minutes

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Belly battering & neck cranking

Josh Avery

Eric Ford

Figure-4 & camel clutch combo


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