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  Tony Vencini vs. Brook Stetson

Tony Vencini, 5'10 185

Brook cranks up a chin lock

Tony works a tight side sleeper

Tony presses Brook hard for the pin

Tony shoots for a guillotine

"David v. Goliath, the rematch"

Tony has it all - great face, muscled body, and talent honed by years of amateur wrestling and coaching. He's also brushed up on submission holds and even done some ring work to be more of a threat. He's not afraid to mix it up with anyone, and can hold his own with anyone. He's also not afraid to show off that sexy body in the skimpiest of gear. And after watching Brook Stetson dominate and defeat Marco Guerra in his debut match, Tony said "Me next!"

Stetson is a muscle monster who looks - and feels - carved from granite.. He's also a champion competitive wrestler, with several Gay Games medals as trophies. "Undefeated and untested," he often remarks with a smirk. Stetson has the confidence of a champion, and when told about Tony's request for a match, he shrugged. "As long as he knows I am going to kick his ass like it's never been kicked before, it's fine with me." Brook has about 40 pounds of solid muscle on the younger Tony, and a height advantage too. Skill can make up for a size difference, but Brook has the wrestling chops to back up his arrogance. The systematic dismantling of tough Marco Guerra in his debut made all of the other wrestlers sit up and take notice - but Tony isn't afraid of anyone. He knows he's up against a titan with a mean streak but he is not daunted. "Let's do it," he said with a big grin.

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Tony Vencini vs. Brook Stetson
32 minutes

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Mat Brats 2 Arena Galleries

KO? Brook's carotid artery pressed

Tony cross-faced and ankle locked

Brook Stetson, 6'1 230

Stetson admires his handiwork

Nut cracker pin! Now tap out too!

The musclestuds go head to head

Brook's big bad bearhug takes Tony's breath away

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