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  Roy Salerno vs. Jud Brewer

Jud Brewer - 5'8, 147

Jud claws Roy's basket

Leg split & pouch pleasure

Distracted by a wedgied bubble butt

Folding press schoolboy pin


These two new BG East wrestlers and former middle school classmates reunited on a well-known social network late last spring. Years ago Jud Brewer's family moved up north, killing any chances these two had of finishing a feud that had lasted almost three years. Big athletic Jud used to torment pint-sized Roy Salerno in gym class and after school on the long walks home, calling him a "little girl," threatening to knock him out with a choke hold, and snapping a towel at his back in the shower room. Even as a kid, Roy was feisty, taking shit from nobody, which inevitably led to fights in hallways, detentions after school, and poor Roy always getting his ass kicked by the bully ... but not without landing some stiff shots on the big kid in the process.

Years passed, the boys grew into men, pursued careers, and nearly forgot each other existed. Jud got a promotion that took him back to South Florida. Then late in April he got a "friend request" from Roy, and the past came rushing back. Roy posted a challenge on Jud's "timeline": "Nice pic. Glad yr not out of shape these days cuz U and I got bizness to settle." Intrigued, Jud responded: "If I had a room and a mat I'd be happy to wipe my feet on yr ugly punk face, little girl." Hardly a minute passed before up popped a new message: "@Jud oh I can find us a place. Yr worst nightmare, Roy."

Roy had no difficulty in coaxing BG East to host the reunion, on condition we could film it for our Sunshine Shooters series. Both parties agreed. The two said hardly ten words to each other before the match. Jud worked out in the mat room, while Roy lifted some weights down the hall. When Roy strolled into the mat room without saying a word, the two old enemies wasted no time before slamming into each other.

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Roy Salerno vs. Jud Brewer
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KOing the bulging babyface in a sleeper hold

Getting a whiff and possibly a taste of Jud's package

Roy Salerno - 5'7, 130

Fighting for control

Grabbing a hold of his tool

Trapped in a helpless position

Cranking back on a body bending chin lock

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