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  Jonny Firestorm vs. Jaxx O'Doul

Jonny Firestorm 5'6, 145

Jonny in jeans: Nelsoned

Jonny's neck cranked to the snapping point

Jaxx sends Jonny off to dreamland?

Jaxx gives Jonny a beating

In the Shadow of the Leopard

It seems like just yesterday that Jonny was just a fresh-faced kid, eager to learn, train and transfer his considerable mat skills to the ring. At first, he was just a punching bag, getting worked over by nearly everyone he faced even dubbed 'the practice dummy' by some of the guys. But young Jon took his lumps like a man, and his willingness to do even the most menial of tasks around the compound without complaint even managed to warm the dark heart of The Boss, who took the kid under his... (ahem) wing and taught him a few tricks. And then, Jonny started winning matches'and eager to please The Boss, beat the holy crap out of some unlucky guys'relentless and merciless beatings that earned him a spot in the cabal known as Leopard's Lair. (What he did to CJ Parker in GAZEBO GRAPPLERS 7 was one of the most horrific beatings in the history of BGEast'and then there were the matches with Frankie Flav'Andy Hammer'and holy shit! Jobe Zander!) 'I want Jaxx' he boasted. 'I'm the young star around here, and I wanna trash that Irish punk.' Brash? Just a bit!

Jaxx isn't exactly a pushover. Sure, he's young, but he knows he's a stud on the mats and the ring. He's tough, he's strong, he's BIG, and he enjoys beating an opponent just as much as Jonny. His own win-loss record isn't the best at BGEast by any stretch of the imagination'but it's improved steadily and he has something that can't be taught: the instincts of a wrestler. Even in defeat, Jaxx has impressed, and don't forget he teamed with Tommy Tara to take out two of the baddest best at BGEast: Nick Archer and Aryx Quinn! His response to Jonny's challenge? 'That little pipsqueak needs to learn some manners,' he said with a glint in his eye.

But when Jaxx shows up for the match, Jonny comes running up behind him and attacks! Jaxx isn't going to stand for that'and the two muscled young toughs start going at it in the yard!

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Jonny Firestorm vs. Jaxx O'Doul
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Giant Jaxx's big bearhug

Jonny racked and wrecked

Jaxx O'Doul 6'2, 230

Jaxx slams down a forearm

Jaxx tries to apply a surfboard

Half camel clutch

Stay down if you know what's good for you, you little punk!!

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