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  Kid Vicious vs. Jace Bradley

Chest-pounding forearm smashes

Jace grabs his battered balls

Side-applied Indian deathlock

Jace jobbed and demolished

Crushing the young muscle boy

And the Beginning Is the End…

With his buff beefy bod, bold blue eyes and endearing dimpled chin, blond Jace has deservedly earned membership in the hunk pantheon along with names like Justin and Brad, Troy Baker and Jay Austin, Wade Cutler and Chris Bruce. His classic iconic white kit?trunks, boots, kneepads?glows against his tanned skin, tempting even to him as he gazes in wonder at his image flexing in the mirror in the Florida sunroom. Who could resist? Not Kid Vicious: he introduces himself with a blow from behind with a wooden chair, sending the hunk sprawling. Last we saw Vicious, he brutalized Jobe Zander?s bulge and assaulted Sexy Alexi on Leopard?s Lair 2. While he left both studs quivering and KO?ed in the end, it was the commentary from a few fans expressing surprise that Alexi ?dominated? much of the match before going down that stuck with him. As he tears into the stunned stud?s big chest with a flurry of forearms befitting his name, it's obvious Vicious has every intention of making Jace pay for Alexi?s moments of triumph. But when Jace?s amateur background pays off and he catches Vicious in a ripping crotch split and a series of brawny bearhugs, he has no idea the vicious cycle of rage and misdirected revenge he?s set in motion? No blow is too low, no knee too stiff, no punch too light, no humiliation unconsidered. An Indian deathlock grounds the hunk, a head scissors dazes and humbles him, repeated ckokes take his breath, a gloved fist slams into his private pride... Multiple submission and schoolboy Jace jobbed anpins seal his fate. And even then the punishment proceeds....

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Kid Vicious vs. Jace Bradley
39 minutes

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Ready! Aim! FIRE!! KV shoots a vicious blow to the bulge

Stripped to his thong, Jace gets pounded and punished

Sultry, sexy Jace Bradley - 5'9 180

Bulge-grinding knee drive

Schoolboy pinned and pummeled

Brutal head scissors

Choked and humiliated

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