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  Braden Charron vs. Jonny Firestorm

Braden rope-bound and hung

Blatant choke on the ropes

Jonny dances on the muscle boy

An easy lift for a BIG slam

Jonny suffers from Braden's massive, punishing, back-breaking, rib-cracking bear hug

...Big Beatings Come in Small Packages

Jonny's attacks have a nasty edge: gouging the eyes, wrapping a jacket around the throat and hanging over the ropes with his full bodyweight, clotheslining the big bodybuilder again and again until he bucks and gurgles. Marvel at the mayhem: Braden's muscles ripple and roll, seeming to swell bigger and more defined as he reels from a solid punch to the face. Jonny repeatedly drops elbows and knees to the throat, tramples that brawny torso and jogs in place(!), drags/drives the hunk around the ring by his aching pecs. A big backbreaker, a boston crab: Braden tries to resist, powers out. A renewed flurry of knees and stomps to the back abort the attempt, Braden's overtaxed posers disappearing between his big glutes as he flails. And when Braden submits to a camel clutch, reluctantly, then vigorously as two hands claw and rip his hurting pecs, the tone of his voice is proof that his pride is as wounded as his body. A rude slap to the face, a spinning neckbreaker: 'I have more wrestling ability in my little finger than you have in your whole body,' Jonny taunts. Braden surges, countering a bodyslam with one of his own, dishing out bearhugs until Jonny submits. But meanness trumps, and no matter how buff Braden gets, muscle is no armor against a knee to the balls. Purists who view wrestling as a sport for gentlemen with rules, respect and honor between opponents may want to look away, because as Jonny repeatedly slams Braden's handsome face into the mat, pummels him with stiff forearms and tortures those muscles with a savage deathlock/bridge/surfboard combo until the bodybuilder screams, pride shattered, 'I submit, Sir!' his intentions are clear: to hurt Braden, badly. And when Jonny asks, 'Are you done trying to be a professional wrestler for BG East?' before using the beaten musclehunk's limp bod as a private dumbbell for a set of squats and delivering a ring-rattling, high impact, gotta-see-it-to-believe-it finisher, Braden's long, slow, slack-jawed twitching serves as silent answer. Brutal!

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Braden Charron vs. Jonny Firestorm
43 minutes

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Pounding on the muscle hunk

Paralysing pec claw

Jonny's jacket hangman

Repeated trampling, front & back

Bubblebutt: knee dropping the neck

Camel clutch locked on tight

Jonny down and out???

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