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  Brent Salvo vs. Kieran Dunne

Take a look at your mug, loser boy!

Brent's double back hammher

Kieran bearhugs Brent off his feet

Kieran crushed: Cross bodyscissors

Kieran cries out in Brent's breathtaking sleeper

"Gold into Lead: Reverse Alchemy"

Confidently Kieran grabs Brent's arms and cross twists them around Brent's neck into a japanese stranglehold where Brent runs the risk of putting himself to sleep! But while Brent's muscles might not be as thick as Kieran's, he is a strong little fuck. He overpowers Kieran, gets out of the hold, and smoothly traps the Goldenboy in a vicious neck-wrenching head scissors! Kieran feebly throws a punch at Brent's abs, to no avail as Brent tightens his legs and Kieran's cherub face turns redder and redder! Again and again, Kieran tries to break the hold by going for the abs, and finally manages to power free, ties up the newbie good and tight with a fully weighted schoolboy pin! 1...2...3!!! The first fall goes to KD!

Cocky Kieran clambers off of Brent, then flexes, poses, taunts, and like Narcissus -in lieu of trotting down to the adjacent pond to admire his reflection - heads for his loving mirror again! Big mistake! Brent drops him again, slaps on the body scissors again, and for further emphasis, begins pounding on Kieran's thick pecs! He pours on the pressure, his leg muscles straining until Kieran, breathless and cursing at his fate, is finally forced to submit. With a vicious laugh, Brent releases the hold and gets up, flexing himself before adding insult to injury with some swift kicks to Kieran's keester! "Get up, chump!" Brent taunts, "Come on!" As Kieran finally starts to get up, Brent plants his foot squarely in Kieran's balls! Kieran drops like a lead balloon, and Brent drops onto his back and rubs Kieran's face into the mat. "Still think you're pretty?" Brent taunts as Kieran's face reddens. "Get off me, man!" Kieran shouts, and Brent obligesâ?¦only to stomp Kieran's abs when he rolls over! This is one tough, cocky confident rookie!

But if Brent thinks Kieran is that easily finished, he's wrong! Overconfidence breeds mistakes and before Brent knows it, he gets snapmared across the gazebo. Kieran proceeds to use his upper body power to crank on a fearsome full nelson, driving his knees into Brent's back over and over again. Morphing the hold into a surfboard, he adds forearm smashes to pound Brent's pecs and a double chin lock to snap his head back! Now it's time for Kieran to show Brent how strong HIS legs are: a body scissors that slides into a crushing head scissors which finally has Brent screaming out a submission.

This battle isn't over and won't be until someone is knocked out, sprawled and beaten on the mat with the winner's arms raised in triumph - and the loser forced to view his agonized visage in a small silver hand mirror!

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Grapplers 10


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Brent Salvo vs. Kieran Dunne
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Kieran pounds on Brent's pecs

You like looking at yourself, bitch? Well, take a look now!

Brent brought to his knees

Brent bear hugged

Kieran hammerlocked

Surfboard suffering: Brent bent back

Brent clearly enoying making Kieran squirm in his bodyscissors and double arm hold

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