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  Rio Garza vs. Jaguar

Double your viewing pleasure

Jaguar's double axe-handle

Rio can't submit fast enough

Pec claw applied from behind

Totally Trampled: Jaguar's double boot stomps on Rio's punished pecs

Endless Torment, Rio Garza Edition

Where the chest goes, the body follows. Jaguar pec-claws the hurting hunk, ominously walking him into The Arena, then backs him against the ringpost and unloads with another elbow. "How's that chest now?" A knee to the gut drops Rio gasping to the floor. Rio's workout gear is designed for maximum comfort in the weight room, not the ring. His low cut N2N "trunks" don't quite cover his bubble butt, slipping lower as Jaguar tosses him through the ropes. "This is going to be a beginner's workout. I don't want to hurt you too much," Jaguar pledges. But a hard stomp to Rio's chest give lie to his words. Pulling Rio to seated position and sliding in behind, Jaguar drives his forearm into that pumped chest with enough impact to make Rio's arms flop and his face contort even as his chest visibly quivers and mounds up only for another forearm to fall. A claw from behind adds to the intensity. A rear surfboard not only reveals Jaguar's savage wrestling savvy, flattening and expanding Rio's punished pecs until they ripple with pain, but puts the supermodel on display, his tortured torso rising horizontally as his hips thrust forward and his second-skin trunks leave nothing to the imagination in ways no fitness mag would dare portray without a black plastic wrapper! A submission is inevitable, but as soon as the words slip from his lips, Jaguar drags him to the corner and climbs on top, roaring and shaking the ropes, brutally trampling the hunk's perfect pecs, intensifying the punishment.

Turnbuckle torture commences: punches, elbows, body splashes and grinding boots. Rio would fall to the mat, limp from the onslaught, but arms over the rope hold him up in the brief seconds before Jaguar tears into him yet again. "OK, I submit!" Rio groans, but what's a submission in an unsanctioned setting? Increasingly unhinged, Jaguar drags the beaten muscleboy to the edge of the ring, props him against the bottom ropes with his feet on the floor, steps over his arms and mercilessly drives into his vulnerably exposed torso again and again. Rio doesn't submit, but it's not because he's not ready and willing, it's because he can't catch his breath long enough to form the words!

A second chest-compressing trampling makes the first look like a walk in the park: standing flush on Rio's chest Jaguar lifts one boot and brings it down--left, left, left, right, right, right--until Rio's a reeling shell of mauled muscle. A double handed pec claw, Rio's chest visibly creasing under the pressure, gives Rio the chance to moan his submission, but Jaguar doesn't break, only digs in harder. Helpless and hurting, Rio can't resist as Jaguar yanks him up by his chest and runs him around the ring, bouncing off all four ropes while Rio submits again. A rear pec claw, and Jaguar orders Rio to flex in the mirror. But the punishment's so intense, the pain so deep, Rio can't lift his arms. Even when Jaguar arrogantly offers him a free shot, Rio's rendered weak blows have no effect! This isn't about winning for Jaguar; it's about making a statement. A round of mounted pec ripping and punching is one of the most savage sights we've seen, Rio submitting, "No more, please, why?" until his voice is hoarse, only for Jaguar to laugh and double the pace. This isn't a match, it's a beating. As Rio writhes, winces and massages his tenderized muscle post punishment, the implication is clear: Rio may never wrestle again. And with the long list of wrestlers who've stepped up to request their turn, maybe it's for the best...

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Spotlight: Rio Garza


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Rio Garza vs. Jaguar
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Rio's pecs get stretched out...

...before being clawed AGAIN!!! Pec punishment delivered by a relentless master heel sadist!

A pec lovers dream match

Rear cross-pecs bearhug

Driving a boot into Rio's chest

Standing double pec claw

Jaguar forces the suffering muscle boy Rio to flex between pec pounding submissions

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